The grand plan

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Author's POV
Nicki:I have a plan to escape she said looking out the back window.
Nicki:come over
Y/n walked over to see what Nicki was talking about.
Nicki:you see that truck? (Y/n nodded her head)
That's the truck dropping off drugs and guns that back door is a exit it leads to a bunch of woods then it goes to the Great Wall of China.
Y/n:how do you know?
Nicki:I saw this paper it's a map it tells us how to get out of here and how to sneak past the guards and Jungkcock or whatever his name was.
Y/n:huh good eyes Nicki so when we'll we escape?
Nicki:tonight but the thing is I don't know the time here in China.
Y/n:I do! There's a clock right there I learned how to tell world clock in high school.
Nicki:oh good! You know how To speak Chinese?
Nicki:well at least I know how at 1:00 A.M In Chinese time we'll escape the guards should be asleep and Jungkook should be at that club he's at every night according to this map.
Doja's POV
It was quiet in the mansion Doja hasn't got any sleep she's been worried about Y/N and Nicki the whole team hasn't gotten any sleep Doja wouldn't let them.
Megan had been crying and drinking Doja does the same.
Ariana:crying and drinking isn't going to bring Nicki and Y/n back there has to be some form of clue here that can help us.
SZA:she's right I called diggy and Rome over also Irene.
IreneY/n's friend
Diggy and Rome Doja's body guards they were all introduced in the beginning.
Doja's:thanks ari and you are right it's not gonna help.
Megan:Yeah mhm ok let's go to the office first let's clean up the house and clean ourselves up and have the guards look for evidence.
Doja:yeah you guys are the best teammates and friends I could ever have.
Author's POV
It was 1:00 A.M in China
Jungkook had already come up to tell the girls he was going out and to not try anything.
Nicki:Ok we have to whisper if we get caught it's over for us.
Y/n:No shit Sherlock
Nicki:enough with the sarcasm let's go!
Nicki and Y/N crept down the stairs quietly after unlocking the door with Nicki's hair pin.
The guards were knocked out just like Nicki said the would be.
Y/n:there's the door Y/n whispered
Nicki:ok let's go see if it's locked
Y/n opened the door it wasn't lock!
Nicki:Thank God!
Y/n:ok let's go
Nicki:wait Nicki held Y/n back
Nicki:gotta check for cameras
Y/n:oh right
Nicki:huh weird no cameras
Y/n:ok let's go then!
Nicki and Y/N ran fast into the woods not looking back if they left something they could easily buy it again.
Y/n:Nicki Nicki! Look! The Great Wall of China!
Y/n:Girl hush! We gotta get to the city.
Nicki:then go to the cops?
Y/n:No bitch! We get a hotel then leave the next morning but we gotta book a flight and buy clothes and shit.
Nicki:No! We're going to call Doja and Megan using a phone from a phone booth and then we're gonna tell them to send someone to get us!
Y/n:Wait! I got a better plan! Let's go to Doja's friend's house they can help us!
Nicki Oh yeah your right!
Y/n:Ok let's go!
Both girls ran their ways around across and through the Great Wall of China.
They finally made it to the city.
Nicki:Finally we made it! You remember the address to Doja's friend's house?
Y/n:Yup! Come let's go!
Ok so as you know I got my phone taken but everything ok now :) more chapters and books coming this summer!

Mafia wife🖤 A Doja Cat fanfic requested by @yinyah (on hold)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon