Death? (Part two)

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Before I start just wanted to say Nicki Minaj is the Queen of rap🥱
Doja's POV
I was shaking I was crying I was angry
I had just gotten the call from Irene saying that Y/N had gotten shot Ari and Meg were trying to calm me down but I couldn't the love of my life was in China and had been shot by an unknown rival team.
Ari: Meg go book a flight now we need to get there tonight! (Meg ran downstairs to book the flight) Amala get your fat ass up pack some clothes and take a shower we need to get to China quickly both of our girls are in danger we cannot sit around crying so get it up or I'll carry u to the plane.
Irene's POV
She'll be ok Nicki said comforting me" I had been crying since we got to the hospital I called Amala and told her everything she was also crying I was angry I wanted to find the people who shot my bestie.
Doctor: Family and friends of Y/N Dlamini?
I and Nicki stood up
Irene: That's us
Doctor: Hi I'm Dr.Chang Y/N lost a lot of blood but we were able to find a blood donator and save her life she has some stitches but she'll be ok but she will have to take pain pills and rest.
Irene: Thank you so much, Dr.Chang
Dr.Chang nodded her head and walked away.
I and Nicki hugged each other and cried tears of joy
Nicki: Oh wait! Dr.Chang, what's Y/N's room number?
Dr.Chang: room 223
Ok that's the end of this chapter as we get into the story there will be a plot twist and a lot of shockers
Oh and don't forget Y/N is pregnant...
Ok, I love u guys so much.
What's y'all opinion on Kpop? I love it!

Mafia wife🖤 A Doja Cat fanfic requested by @yinyah (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now