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Saturday, December 31, 2021
Author's POV
Today Nicki and Megan were getting married right now everyone was in Paris Since Nicki and Megan were getting married in France. "I'M SO EXCITED!" Nicki screamed. "I'm excited for you" Y/N replied and the dress is beautiful "I still cannot believe you had Chanel to do the dress for you!" "Yea" Nicki responded, "it's simple and cute and I'm ready for this baby to be born speaking of the baby what do you think I should name it?" Y/N thought for a while "well if it's a boy you should name it Kenneth if it's a girl name is Hailey but that's you and Megan's decision to make! Nicki smiled and nodded." "Well Nicki started I'm sick of staying in the apartment and tonight is my bachelorette party soooo let's go find you a dress!" Y/N was hesitant and I'm not taking "no" for an answer Nicki said. Y/N rolled her eyes "ugh fine!" "Let me shower and change first."Nicki squealed.

Megan's POV
I and Ariana were currently out shopping for a dress.
"Ooh, this is cute! Ariana said, "it would look good on me what do you think meg?"
"Meg? Meg? Meg MEG!"
"Hm? Oh my bad sorry Ariana I was busy daydreaming" I didn't even hear Ariana
"Are you ok meg? You've been acting off ever since we got here." "Yes I'm fine or I'm just thinking about the wedding it's been kinda stressful for me then Nicki is pregnant and it's all just a big stress ball." Ari put her hand on Megan's shoulder and said "it's gonna be ok Megan me, Doja,and Y/N are gonna be there for you and Nicki so don't worry about all that today is your big day!" "And tomorrow will be an even bigger day so just stay calm."Ariana put the dress back on the rack. "I'll just get a dress custom-made quick let's go back to the hotel have some fun I'm talking drinks and food." "Yea that'll be nice," Megan said and they left the mall.

Author's POV
You are probably wondering where Doja is. Well, all I can say is she's having tons of fun.
Doja was currently at a party catching up with old French classmates she didn't tell anyone she was going she just said goodbye and left. Doja was laughing and catching up with her old friends and classmates. Doja used to go to school in France in high school she left her freshman year and moved back to the US. "I'm so glad we got to catch up" one of Doja's friend's said. "Me too" Doja responded "Hey! Do y'all remember when we prank called Mrs.Couture telling her she got fired?" "Omg yes!" Lilly said one of Doja's friends "she got so upset and started crying and ranting about how she had kids to feed." "I kinda felt bad for her Sarah said but then again she was a total bitch." "Yea," Doja said, "I'm gonna go to the restroom." Doja got up and left to go to the restroom."
"Hey" she looked up in the restroom mirror and saw her ex-girlfriend Camila. "What the fuck do you want Camila?" "Can't an old friend speak to an old friend?" Doja rolled her eyes "you damn well we are not friends anymore you hurt me." Camila rolled her eyes "don't be so dramatic she said you were gonna move and leave me what was I supposed to do?" Doja tried to leave out the door but Camila was stronger. "Get off of me!" Camila pushed Doja to the bathroom wall trying to kiss her Doja kicked her in the stomach and ran out the door. She headed back to her friends. "Hey, y'all I'm gonna leave something came up." "Awww Sarah said do you have to leave so soon?" "Yea," Doja said she quickly hugged everyone "bye y'all I'll see y'all soon." "Bye, they all responded." "Doja quickly headed out the door and called for a taxi" when she got in the taxi she looked out the window and saw Camila standing there smirking. She knew Camila was dangerous and was capable of doing unspeakable things.

Mafia wife🖤 A Doja Cat fanfic requested by @yinyah (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now