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WC: 1030
Date: April 26th 2021

today was the big day. the day that all the boys of Why Don't We move onto their tour bus. everyone was excited as hell. they all decided to meet each other at the bus. well, Corbyn and Jonah were going together because they live together so it would only make sense. all of the boys already put their suit cases in the bus the day before. so there they were, Corbyn and Jonah just walking through the streets of LA.

it was all fine. the two were having a great time. well that was until Corbyn tripped over a crack in the sidewalk. Jonah's eyes widened. Corbyn felt a jolt of pain spread through one of his knees.

"shit, are you okay?" Jonah said while putting his hand out for Corbyn to grab. "no Jonah I'm not okay. I just fell onto the concrete so no I am not okay!" Corbyns voice raised a bit. he didn't mean to. it just happened. it may have been the stress. the thought of having to be on tour, stuck in a bus with Daniel for months. "sorry I didn't mean to yell."

Jonah helped lift Corbyn up while saying, "alright. Daniels probably at the bus already because he's him, so he can help your knee." Daniel was always early to things. Corbyn started heating up because of the name. "but talk to me. what's going on?" Jonah put Corbyns arm around his neck so he could help the younger walk.

"just stressed about tour I guess."

"why? we've been on tour before?" Corbyn shrugged. he didn't want to admit anything. Jonah didn't hear an answer and started thinking. "oh my god.. is this about Daniel? do you actually have feelings for him? I mean, you're gay, he's bi, both attractive people.. it would also explain why you're always so weird around each other. and why you're so tense right now."

"no! it's not about him, he's just my friend. just.. friends. nothing else." Corbyn got really defensive. and of course, Jonah let it go. he didn't bother Corbyn with it mostly because he knew it would only put him on edge. Corbyns mind was running in so many directions. soon enough they made it to the bus. they saw Zach and Jack were standing and talking right at the entrance.

"hey guys." Corbyn was limping, arm still around Jonah's neck to help him walk. Jack and Zach looked over to Corbyn. both of their eyes widened. they immediately spotted Corbyns knee. "hey- what happened to your knee?" Zach asked as he walked over to him.

"I fell." Zach let Corbyn put his arm around his neck as well so he had two support systems. Jack opened the door and walked in, the three others following. "hey Daniel!" Corbyn heard Jack say from inside the bus. he walked in and saw Daniel sitting on the couch in a tank top. "hey guys." that's when Daniel saw the injury. "holy shit, you okay?" Corbyn felt frozen. he finally just nodded and sat on the couch. "here, I'll take care of it."

Daniel was more trained in terms of medical care. "can someone get my black suit case?" Daniel looked over to Jonah, Jack and Zach who were all standing and watching as Daniel kneeled down in front of the boy on the couch. Jack was quick to offer. "I'll get it." Daniel smiled at him while he ran over to the back.

a few moments later he came back with the suit case. "thanks." Jack put it on the floor beside Daniel. "no problem." Corbyn was silent the whole time. the situation was a bit awkward to him. Daniel first got rid of any extra blood. "alright this might hurt a bit, it will help though." Daniel said while grabbing a bottle of some kind of liquid.

he opened it and put some on a towel. "hold my hand." Daniel put his hand out for Corbyn to grab. that came out of no where. Corbyn blushed but nodded and grabbed his hand. the three others eyes widened. Daniel slowly started dabbing the injury with the wet towel. Corbyn winced at the pain and squeezed Daniels hands. "ow! what the fuck is that?!"

Daniel chuckled and pulled it away. "sh~ I'm almost done." he looked at the towel. "we gotta wash this." and threw it somewhere to the side. in only a few moments, he was done and just wrapping it up in some bandages. "okay it might be sore for a few days but you'll be okay." he looked up at Corbyn with a smile on his face. he pecked Corbyns knee while caressing it.

Corbyn blushed heavily, the three others were just confused, and Daniel was acting like this was normal. Jack inspected Corbyns face. suddenly, a ringing sound filled the quiet room. Daniel knew it was his phone and grabbed it. "oh uh, sorry it's Ella I'll be right back." Corbyn became uncomfortable. Daniel ran outside while picking up the phone.

"there's something between you two." Jack broke the awkward silence. Zach laughed a bit and nodded in agreement. "true." Jonah added. Corbyn shook his head and simply said, "no there isn't. plus he has a girlfriend." the room went quiet.

"yeah I'll message you everyday." they all heard come from outside. turns out the door was still open so they can hear whatever Daniel was saying. "yep, I'll miss you to." the tone in the blonds voice didn't seem very loving. it sounded like he didn't mean anything he was saying to the girl.

only a few seconds later and he was walking back in. "sorry about that." Daniel whispered and put the phone in his pocket. "it's fine, are you guys excited?" Jonah changed the subject quickly.

"of course, this is our biggest tour!" Zach said happily. he wasn't wrong, they were going to be traveling to more city's, all over the world, and are just going to be spending more time on the road. it was exciting.

the whole band was so ready. well everyone except for Corbyn. only because of one specific blond.

I haven't written in so long so I'm sorry if this is slow moving, shit goes down next chapter tho sooo 👀

~-~-~-~I haven't written in so long so I'm sorry if this is slow moving, shit goes down next chapter tho sooo 👀

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