
425 14 8

WC: 1199
Date: May 1st 2021

Corbyn slowly woke up, gaining consciousness. he felt a firm arm around him. it made him feel safe. it gave him the feeling of being cared for and loved, something he hasn't felt in so long. then the events from the night before came flooding back. he turned around and saw Daniel sleeping peacefully. his shirt was off while having his arm around Corbyns waist.

he turned red. what the fuck is happening. Corbyn felt himself getting pulled closer to the blond behind him. he had to admit, Daniel smelt amazing. the kind of sent that could relax him in less then a minute. the kind of sent that would put him in a state of bliss.

quickly he brought his attention back to the fact that he was in bed with his best friend and band mate. he slowly picked up Daniels arm and put it down while pulling himself away from the blond. immediately, he missed the feeling.

finally he was out of the bunk. he looked around and his eyes caught with Jacks. the curly headed boy was staring. he was so confused. his eyes were widened while he pulled a spoon out of his mouth. once he swallowed the food in his mouth, his mouth was left open. Corbyn went into panic. he quickly ran over to Jack. "don't say anything!"

"wha- you were just in-"

"shut the fuck up! someone will hear you." Corbyn was just worried about what Jack will think, how he would react and the fact that he knew Jack would tease him about it bothered him. "let me explain please." Jack nodded. "well everyones asleep so tell me."

Corbyn sat on the stool. and took a deep breath. "well after everyone went to sleep we were in the back just talking. then it started raining and well it reminded me of stuff from my childhood which lead me to breaking down.. Daniel was there for me though. he was calming me down." a smile covered Corbyns face as he talked. "he let me cry and rant. he was being so gentle with me. he then offered to let me sleep in his bunk because of the rain and all."

Jack could see nothing but love on Corbyns face. he then came to a realization. yes, he makes jokes about Daniel and Corbyn but that's all they were.. jokes. nothing else right? wrong. "Corbyn." Jack said firmly. Corbyn looked at Jack. "hm?"

"how does Daniel make you feel?"

"what do you mean?" Corbyn said nervously. he knew what Jack meant but he didn't want to say anything. Jack raised an eyebrow. "how does he make you feel?" Jack repeated himself, this time pushing more. Corbyn thought for a bit.

he sighed and started saying, "he makes me feel amazing. I mean, when I'm with him I feel like we're on the top of the world. like nothing else matters. he makes me feel special, appreciated.. he makes me feel so loved. the way he treats me and talks to me always cheers me up. he makes me feel something I haven't felt in so long.. with anyone. I don't know what it is but he makes me smile."

Jack was in awe. "Corbs you're in love.." he watched as Corbyn turned red. Jack found it adorable though. Corbyn shook his head. "no! I can't be in love with him.. he's just a friend." Jack chuckled and grabbed Corbyns hand. the brunet looked at him while tears pooled his eyes.

"you said it yourself, he makes you feel loved. he makes you feel special. you're always so happy when you're with him. and I can see it in your face whenever he even looks at you, you're in love with him.." Jack said in a soft tone. Corbyn sighed and put his head down in defeat.

Jack was right. but he hated it. he hated that Jack was right because he knew he couldn't have Daniel. it made him feel horrible. "fine, maybe you're right but it doesn't matter. he has a girlfriend so please don't make it a big deal or tell anyone." right before Jack was gonna say something, Daniel woke up and walked out of his bunk. luckily the two were whispering so there's no way he could have heard them.

"hey guys." Daniel said before yawning and walking towards the two. Corbyn turned and looked at the shirtless blond. he couldn't help but blush. Jack watched Corbyn carefully. "good morning." Daniel and Corbyn were both very touchy so when Daniel wrapped his arms around Corbyn, neither thought much of it.

Jack smiled and simply said, "good morning Daniel." Corbyn was silent though. Daniel smiled back. the room fell quiet for a bit before the oldest spoke up, "how'd you sleep last night corbs? I know it may have been hard." Daniels voice was so sweet, it was sickening. the younger brunet hated it so much but at the same time wanted Daniel to talk to him like that more.

Corbyn turned red and moved a bit in his seat. "good. thank you for last night by the way." he mumbled under his breath. Daniel pulled his arms away and sat beside him. Jack watched quietly. "that's great. I'm always here for you okay?" Corbyn smiled and nodded, not knowing what else to do. "I'm gonna go get ready then go on a run alright?"

both Jack and Corbyn nodded and watched as Daniel walked to the back. "you don't even try to hide it.. I'm surprised he didn't figure it out by now." Jack smirked. Corbyn flipped him off and changed the subject.


by the time it was night, everyone was tired. they had a long day. concerts, interviews, song writing. they all immediately went straight to their bunks. they were too tired to even try to do anything else and everyone fell asleep pretty quickly. everyone except Corbyn.

Corbyn twisted and turned in his bunk for so long but he just couldn't fall asleep. no matter what he did. at that point, he stopped trying. he started thinking about what he could do to make him fall asleep quicker. he soon realized, Daniel.

maybe sleeping in Daniels bunk would help him. he didn't want to admit it but he felt safety with the older blond. it took a lot of courage but finally he got up and went over to Daniels bunk. slowly, he opened the curtain and woke Daniel up.

he watched as Daniels eyes fluttered open. Daniel rubbed his eyes and looked at Corbyn, quickly smiling. "hey, what's up?" his tired voice spoke. Corbyn found it very attractive. he shook the thought out and tried to focus on what he actually wanted to ask. "can I sleep with you please.. I can't sleep for some reason so I thought that it would help if I slept here."

"of course." Daniel had his arms open for the brunet. he was perfectly fine with Corbyn sleeping with him, if anything he loved it. he didn't know why but he liked holding Corbyn in his arms. there's probably nothing to it though.. right?

so how we feeling?

~-~-~-~so how we feeling?

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