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WC: 1321
TW: this chapter will talk about family issues and has alcohol usage also it will be angsty
Date: May 5th 2021

Daniel and Corbyn have been sleeping together for days now but they both thought it didn't mean anything and in a way, it hurt so bad. it hurt knowing that it didn't mean anything. in reality they were both just in denial. well, Corbyn accepted that he loved Daniel awhile ago but Daniel on the other hand didn't want to admit it.

I mean, he had a girlfriend who he cared about and plus Corbyn is his best friend. he couldn't have feelings for him. today, Daniel woke up earlier then Corbyn and got out of his bunk, being careful to not wake up the smaller. he saw Jonah cleaning up a bit. "hey Jo." Daniel said quietly.

Jonah turned to face him, "morning. oh by the way we have one interview today." Jonah was the one who always kept track of their schedule. Daniel nodded and made his way over to the kitchen and grabbed a bowl. after awhile of the two talking, Jack woke up. the three talked and laughed.

out of nowhere Daniels phone started ringing. he grabbed it and checked who it was. when he saw it was his mother, his face dropped. "uh, I'll be right back." and with that he made his way to the back of the bus. quickly, he shut the door and accepted the call.

"what do you want?" his tone showed anger. he didn't like talking to his family. well he still cared about two of his sibling, Anna, his sister and Christian, his brother. he's really close with those two. on the other hand, his dad, mom and brother, Tyler, were horrible to Daniel.

he felt like no matter what he did, they were never proud of him. he couldn't ever make them happy. his whole life, they looked down on him and even went as far as verbally abusing him. "don't talk to me like that. I am your mother Daniel." they never actually cared about Daniel.

Daniel scoffed. "okay then why don't you act like my mother?" sure his voice sounded like he didn't care but deep down it hurt so bad. the call went quiet for a bit until Daniels mother spoke up again, this time, just spitting out insults or saying stuff that she knew would hurt Daniel.

~-~-~-~thirty minutes later~-~-~-~

Corbyn woke up and got out of the bunk, luckily nobody was paying attention to him so they didn't notice him coming out of Daniels bunk. he made his way over to all his band mates, except for Daniel. "good morning." he immediately noticed Daniel wasn't with the other three. "where's Daniel?"

the room went silent. Jack just took a sip of his coffee while Zach bit into his food, leaving Jonah to talk about it. "he's in the back, on the phone." the oldest sighed. "with his mom. he's been back there for like half an hour now.." they all went quiet once again.

all they heard was Daniel yelling. Daniel and his mom were arguing and it went to the point where Daniels mom brought his dad on the phone as well. Daniel was getting sick and tired of it. in that moment he felt like breaking down. "y'know what, fuck you. don't ever call me again." and with that he hung up and threw his phone to the side.

he was sitting on the couch, face in his hands. he finally lifted his head up and looked around a bit. his eyes caught one specific thing in the room. the mini fridge. they had a little mini fridge in the corner. he noticed alcohol in it and felt the need to grab some and just chug it.

can you blame him? it was an escape from reality. it was a way to feel good again. a way to be happy. he fought the urge. at least he tried to. see, he used to have a little problem with alcohol. I mean, he always was trying to drink. the whole band knows about it and actually helped him get better. that was a few months ago.

the thought of having some drinks disgusted Daniel but also it mesmerized him. he wanted it so badly but he knew it would poison him. after only a few seconds of thinking he just thought, fuck this. and went over to the fridge. he opened it and grabbed a bottle.

it took him awhile to actually open it and take a sip but when he did it felt fucking amazing. it felt so, so good to feel the alcohol burn his throat. he missed this. he missed the whole feeling. "god.." he couldn't stop.. why? he had control before? did his parents trigger him?

almost an hour pasted and Daniels band mates were worried. they didn't hear any noise. Zach said to leave him alone because he probably wants to be alone and they all agreed but at the same time, Corbyn was against it. he just wanted to make sure Daniel is okay.

"it's been an hour since he stopped talking! he's never like this unless-" and then it hit Corbyn. "holy shit." the three others looked at him, confused. Corbyn looked at them and understood that they wanted him to explain. "he's drinking." Corbyn teared up at the idea. he cared so much about Daniel. he hated it.

everyones eyes widened. Jack was the first to run to the back and open the door. the three others followed close behind. immediately, they saw Daniel laying on the couch, a few bottles spread across the room, pillows destroyed, a single bottle that was still half full in Daniels hand.

it was a mess. Daniel was a mess. it was so clear Daniel was drunk. Corbyn let the tears fall out of his eyes. he was frozen. Jonah ran over to the blond. "Daniel, what the fuck!" Daniels eyes slowly opened. a sickening smile covered his face. Jonah helped him sit up. "someone get some water!"

Zach was the first to run over to the kitchen. Daniel tried to stand but fell weak in the knees, getting caught by Jonah. "god what happened?" Jonah tried to put him back down on the couch.

"you should try some."

"no, you need to calm down." the oldest grabbed the bottle from Daniels hand and picked up all the bottles that were around the room. he put them in one pile. Zach was back with the water and gave it to Daniel. "I don't want this bull shit."

Corbyn spoke up while moving over to Daniel. "Daniel just drink it please, it will make you feel better I promise." Daniel looked over to Corbyn. he bit his lip and looked at Corbyns lips. "what if I don't want to feel better?" Corbyn sighed and grabbed one of Daniels hands.

"please just drink it."

Daniel rolled his eyes and sighed. he couldn't say no to Corbyn. he quickly drank the water and gave the cup back to Zach. "why do you guys look so down? just che-er up." Daniel had a few hiccoughs but brushed it off. and in only a few seconds he fell asleep. "let him rest." Jonah said and left the room. everyone followed.

"we're gonna have to do the show and interview without him." Jonah was right, it was the only reasonable thing to do in the moment. everyone nodded in agreement. "that's fair.. he promised he wouldn't do this again though. what the hell happened?" Corbyn was very clearly worried.

"probably something with his parents, we can ask him about it later but we should leave him alone for the rest of the day. we'll see how he feels tomorrow." Jack tried to seem calm but it was hard. Daniel was like a brother to him, he felt horrible.

I just wanted to add some angst soo

~-~-~-~I just wanted to add some angst soo

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