
463 13 14

WC: 1813
TW: alcohol, underaged drinking
Date: May 10th 2021

today's the day. today's the day they were going to drop their big album. everyone was so fucking excited. they have been working on this for months now so of course it was exciting. the boys were only 10 minutes away from releasing the album. they were all sat in the living room of their bus, some drinks on the table.

they were planning on having a mini party. only them five but with music playing and drinks all around. little did Corbyn and Daniel know, that night would change everything for them.

"are we sure we should let Daniel have alcohol.. after that day." Jack whispered to Jonah. Jonah looked over to him. he frowned a bit and thought. Jonah saw that day how bad Daniel felt for drinking. he smiled. "he'll be fine. I will not drink too much anyways so I will make sure he's okay,"

Jack nodded and looked at his phone, 8:58pm it read. "two minutes guys, get the tweet ready." the whole band looked over to the curly headed boy and nodded. soon enough, it hit 9. and just like that, they all tweeted about the album while releasing it.

a cheer came from them all. "let's go!" Daniel cheered while putting his cup with alcohol in the middle of all the boys. everyone laughed and did the same. "cheers to the new album, and to what our future holds." oh if only he knew what the future held.. everyone cheered again and chugged the drinks.

time passed, everyone was pretty drunk. even Jonah and he was the one who said he wouldn't get drunk. none of them could even think straight. the music was so, so loud. they were playing their album.

Daniel couldn't stop looking at Corbyn the whole night. can you blame him? the brunet looked so good it hurt. Corbyn was currently sitting on the couch beside Jack. Daniel was in the kitchen, practically eye fucking the brunet. he bit his lip and walked up to him, the alcohol taking control.

"hello beautiful," Daniel whispered as he stood in front of Corbyn. Corbyn looked up at him and blushed. "may I have a dance?" he put his hand out. Corbyn giggled and grabbed it, pulling himself up with the help of the blond. Jacks eyes widened. sure he was drunk but he was still paying attention.

Daniel smirked. the two danced for a long time, moving there body's together. they felt like it was only them on earth. like nobody else mattered. eventually everyone except the two boys blacked out. there was no way they would wake up anytime soon.

and soon enough, Daniel found himself holding Corbyn in his arms, Corbyns legs around his waist. they were enchanted in a deep make-out. both wanted each other so badly. Corbyn let little moans and whimpers go down Daniels throat during the whole thing. "this is wrong.." Corbyn said but just went back in, completely disregarding the things he just said.

holding the makeout, Daniel pushed them into the back room. he held the brunet against the door with one hand while locking the door with the other. finally he pulled away. both panted. "are you sure you want to do this..?"

Corbyn smiled at how Daniel cared. "yes.. please I've been wanting this for so long." Daniel snickered and kissed him again while moving to the couch. he carefully placed Corbyn down and pulled away from the kiss.

Daniel looked down at him and just admired him. Corbyns hunger for Daniel grew. you could see it in his eyes. the way he looked at the older showed nothing but love and neediness. "you're just adorable.."

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