Chapter 3

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Nara p.o.v

Cute is the first thing that pops into my head. The pup has really black fur and green piercing eyes. He looks like he has character but I ain't admitting that.

"Hello, and sorry about what I said yesterday it is just I had a bad day with my friends is all. Then with the pup, you were bringing over got to me, and all in all, I am sorry. Please forgive me." I apologize to the boys.

"Apology accepted. Can we restart?" Mr. Wayne suggests smiling at me and I smile back.

"Yes, certainly. Please sit." I motion for them to sit.

They sit down and the puppy withers in the young boy's grip. They look at him and I do too. I smile and look at my mother. She smiles at the adorable thing.

"Damian, calm down will you?" the young boy that is holding him says but the pup just keeps on fidgeting.

"Say is it alright if I let him down." He asks me.

I nod and immediately once the pup four paws hit the floor; he fell flat on his stomach from being so young. That resulted in me giggling a bit at how cute he is but then he gets up and tries to walk toward me.

"Sorry, he is just getting used to walking since he is just a pup." The older boy explains.

"That is alright. I find it is cute." My mother reassures them, watching the pup.

"Sorry, but I didn't get your names." I start a conversation breaking the silence.

"Oh, I am Dick and these are my brothers. Jason the second oldest and then the youngest Tim." Dick announces.

"Lovely to meet you," I say and my gaze lands on the pup reach me after walking and wobbling a bit.

"Hey." I reach toward him and pick him up. His fur is so soft!

He looks at me with his mouth hanging open happy and licks my nose making me giggle. My mother pets the pup's head and he seems to enjoy it. I lower him down on my lap and he gets comfortable.

"Do you have a name for him or...?" I trail off looking at the boys.

"Yeah, his name is Damian." Jason, I believe, mentions.

"Good choice." My mother says looking back and forth from the males to the pup.

After that, we conversed. Well, mostly my mother and Mr. Wayne while the boys and I played a bit with Damian. The pup is so small and so furry, I keep on smiling at how cute he is.

"You will take good care of him, won't you?" the young brother Tim asks looking at me.

"Of course, and besides I always wanted a puppy to take care of," I say looking at them with honesty.

I look at the boys and notice they all have bags under their eyes. I wonder why, I guess it can't hurt to ask.

"Um, I wanted to ask, why you all look like you haven't slept at all?" I ask them.

"Well, this little guy kept us all awake from his puppy fear of being left alone," Dick responds to my question immediately.

"Aww, that is so sad." I look at them with worry.

"It is nothing just thought it would be worse like howling all night or clawing at everything," Jason says using his hand as a gesture to what he was saying.

"Well, I will be fine and take good care of him." I look down at the pup to see he is looking elsewhere. His black ears are straight up twitching a few times listening to whatever he is listening to. After more conversing before the adults leave, Tim is looking at Damian and is holding back his laughter

"What is funny?" I ask curiously.

"Damian cannot stop staring at you." They motion toward the pup in my arms and I look down to see him looking at me. I nuzzle my nose with him and he huffs shaking his furry little head. I lay my right hand on his head-scratching a bit between his ears.

"Anyway, time to go." Mr. Wayne announces looking at his watch.

"Yes, your right. I have to head off to the airport because I am heading to Paris and then China and then Australia and then end the time with south America." My mother explains naming all the places she is heading off to.

"All the while I will be here taking care of this little guy." I gesture toward the pup who is wagging his tail in excitement.

We head back outside and the boys say bye to Damian who snaps at them. I chuckle a bit at how cute he is. I look at my mother and give her a side hug.

"Bye, mother, safe trip and be extra careful not to get lured by any charmers," I warn her.

"Very funny sweetheart and I left a lot of money for you to use and be extra careful to you as well. Take care of this little guy alright?" she announces scratching Damian under his chin. Damian purrs closing his eyes.

"Got it," I answer and give her another hug before everyone leaves.

Mr. Wayne is going to give my mother a ride to the airport since he still had time for work. I wave bye to all of them and then when they are gone, I head inside with the pup in my hands. 

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