Chapter 14

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For the past few hours Damian and I have been researching up marriages. We write down any info we find important. 

"What have you got so far?" Damian crawls over to my left on the bed.

"Well, I have read that marriages were seen as a union between two spouses. Some marriages were different compared to cultures. Marriage can be recognized by a state, an organization, a religious authority, a tribal group, a local community, or peers. Some may also view it as a contract." I tell Damian what I found.

"Interesting. Here is what I've got." Damian slides his notes over and I tilt my head to look at the paper.

"You've searched marriage ceremonies?" I asked him surprised.


"Okay. Let's see..."

'The marriage ceremony can happen anywhere and anytime as long as it's accessible by the public and the officiant is available. the spouses can personalize the marriage according to their wishes and beliefs.  For example, they can choose the music and readings, write their own vows, etc. The spouses are free to use their imaginations! At the end of the ceremony the spouces and the two witnesses must sign a declaration of marriage. it provides written proof of the marriage."

"Also, I have found the script of what to say during the marriage." Damian points to the next paragraph in his neat writing.

"the priest or officiant is to say '[Name], as you place this ring on [Name]'s finger, please repeat after me. With this ring, I thee wed and pledge you, my love, now and forever. By the authority vested in me by the State of [State], I now pronounce you [husband and wife, husband and husband, wife and wife]!"

"Wow, really cool. I can add things to that or change it for it to sound in our own way. no vows are the same." I tell Damian and think of what the vows can be.

"Really! Well, what would you have in mind?" Damian's green eyes look to my own.

"I don't know but we can involve the traditional script and after give an example of our own during the presentation," I explain not thinking of any vows right now.

"Hey, guys, What's this I hear about marriages and weddings. You guys aren't thinking of getting together so fast." Dick comes in and right now he is being a real dick.

"No, Grayson. It is a school project and it is not real." I explain to the guy leaning on the doorframe.

"Shame." He shakes his head.

"What about that girl you keep calling and talking to? Starfire i think her name was. When are you going to propose or are you going to continuously stay as a coward and hide in your Batcave as Bruce does." I ask him and Damian scoffs in amusement.

He walks off not answering us but from the pink in his cheeks, i presume I got him good.

"Nice work." Damian praises me and I smile, closing my eyes smugly.

"Thank you I do try to satisfy!" I open my eyes and look at the boy next to me.

After a few seconds of looking at each other, we burst out laughing. The whole situation is hilarious and I guess it took looking at each other to laugh it off.

"I missed you!" Damian blurts out and covers his mouth with his hand immediately afterward.

I stop laughing and I look at him surprised. Truthfully, I missed Damian as well. As puppies, we bonded in a strong friendship and now that we are human, I kinda missed having fun with him. I smile and lean forward. My soft plump lips meet the cold pale skin of his cheek with a slight peck.

"I missed you too." I sit up from lying on my stomach and head over to the library.

I lower my laptop on the desk next to the printer and swiped my fingers on the laptop keypad. I tap and the printer turns on spitting out what I have researched and added Damian bit. Speaking of Damian, he walks in with still pink flushed cheeks but watches nonetheless.

He watches me print out the document and doesn't say anything. i gather the papers in my hand and carry the laptop with my other hand. We head to his room once more and organize the sheets.

"Okay, we now need to act out a certain ceremony of the marriage. What will we do for it?" I ask unsure of what we will present with the info we gathered.

"There is a ceremony that my grandfather did at the league of assassins." I look at him for clarification but he looks unsure of the decision.

"well, my parents had a ceremony and actually showed it to me when I was little." I tell him unsure myself if this is alright to say.

"You tell first," Damian says looking up at me and I nod remembering the details.

"Well, it was called a blood bond ceremony." I begin to say.

"My mother and father stood in the middle of a circle of red roses and red candles light. They would exchange vows but when tying the note it wasn't with a ribbon. It was more of gripping each other forearms in an eternity sign. Their best man and maids would slice the bride and groom's forearms. The bride and groom would cross their arms and grip the opposite side. Making a figure eight or an eternity sign like my parents saw."

Damian nods and allows me to show him the way my parents did the ceremony. 

"When their arms were tied, they would say in unison "By blood shall we unite, by blood shall we bond our love with might". The priest or officiant as the research told us would declare them man and wife and to kiss. During the kiss, their arms would stay gripping onto each other. After the best man would offer bandages for the cuts. The husband would bandage the side forearm first and then it was the wife's turn." My words flow out as I replayed the performance of my parent's marriage practice.

"Wow, that is so cool!" Damian looks at me with slight awe on his face.

"Yeah, my parents said it was the strongest bond and it showed great strength when one or the other would be hurt, the other would be there to protect them and bind their wounds. Such romance that I kinda fantasized a few times." I confess looking down slightly embarrassed.

"No, there is no need to be embarrassed. What an amazing ceremony and actually should be shown to the class as it is unique and special." Damian tells me laying a hand on my own and I smile up at him.

He smiles back. He looks down at my lips and back at my eyes losing his smile. He leans in and in a daze, I lean in as well. The world disappears and sounds from outside blurs and silence. Our breath mingles as we get closer to merging our faces.

"Master Damian, Miss Dagger, Dinner is ready..." Damian and I pull away as the butler enters.

"Right. Thank you pennyworth, we shall be there soon." Damian responds quickly flustered slightly as I blush furiously.

"Let's go," I say sliding off the bed. 

I lift a foot forward as a hand grips my left wrist pulling me back. I turn to yell at Damina but soft warm lips clamp on mine. As my mouth was open, my breath enters Damian's mouth in a sigh. I close my eyes as I place my right hand on his beating heart.

"That is much better." Pulling away and lets me go, Damian walks over to the door smirking.

"You are so dead Wayne," I growl at the boy as he leaves me speechless. I run after him and he escapes trailing the hallway with laughter.

*Awe, isn't that ceremony cute? If it is slightly gory, I am sorry.

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