Chapter 9

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*Don't those look so yummy! Awww, now I want one! Do you? Please vote and view and leave lots of comments. Thank you! =)*

Morning came and all was quiet in the whole mansion of the Wayne's. All the people in the house are still fast asleep except for a father of four sons and the famous batman himself who walked down the staircase and saw the two pups on the couch sleeping together.

"Soon they will fall in love with one another and there is nothing you can do to stop the mating to begin." The words the scientist said when Bruce went and spoke to him wanting to know if there is another way.

"There is no other way. That is how I made the serum run. Mating is the only cure out of my experiments." The doctor said getting tired of being asked that.

Bruce poured his coffee while getting out of that memory. He sighed and hoped for the best that only by falling in love will they change back to human.

Soon after having breakfast, Alfred drove him to his work while at the house a female pup woke up from hearing the car drive off.

I opened my eyes groggily and looked around and then found Damian hugging my side with a bit of drool. I growled and then jumped up biting at his ear.

"OW! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Damian woke up rubbing his ear.

"You're what's wrong with me!" I shouted at him.

"What did I do to get a bite off my ear from you?" Damian asked the female companion who looked pissed off.

"You drooled on me and was hugging me like I was a teddy bear," I explained to him.

"I didn't know geez woman you can kill someone for goodness sake." His statement pulled something in me.

I looked down and remembered that horrid night where I got famous among my record. Damian looked at the female think of something and watched her remember something from her past.

It was a winter night and I was only three years old. My uncle has recruited my father in search of something that will change things. I was curious so I followed them and left my mother a note saying I was with them. I shouldn't have gone or else I wouldn't have changed. I followed my uncle and father to a lab and that is when my uncle started to speak.

"Brother, I have found it. The key to the destruction of Gotham villains and possible Batman." He started and held a vial of red liquid that looked like blood.

"And I know it will work for my daughter is already here. Come out, Nara." My father looked at me and I bent my head down for being caught.

I followed my father's orders and he knelt in front of me. He placed his hands on my shoulder and then pinned me to the floor.

"Father?!" I struggled under him.

"You are the legacy my daughter and you will be the killer on that same night when I will do the deadliest sin of all." I didn't understand and then the vial was put in a needle and all that liquid was put in my chest into my heart and was administered.

I shifted and groaned the liquid going through my whole being and then I passed out. The next day I woke up in my room and remembered everything also the part where my father whispered to me.

"You're the monster." And then I blacked out.

I kept looking down and was gasping at the memory. I was the cure for everything, the joker's laughter syndrome, the superman's strength, and embassy, and also the cure to this goddamn wolf form.

"Nara? You, okay?" Damian's voice woke me up from the episode I had.

"Huh? Oh yeah just sorry for biting your ear. I just was surprised and disgusted at the position we were at." I jumped down the couch and walked to the kitchen.

Alfred was there already and put my food that is in a bowl on the floor and I ate up. Damian came in after and ate his fill not bothering me. I didn't want to talk about the experience with anyone not until the time comes where I will be who I have to be.

I ate my fill and then sat on my hind legs wondering what to do. Damian finished and then nudged me with his left paw. I looked at him in wonder and he started to walk off somewhere and I followed. He went into the library and laid on a cushion and I followed.

"What now?" I ask him laying my head on my paws.

"I don't know, I haven't been a pup before so yeah." He looked at me and simultaneously we both sighed.

"Hey, guys you look bored." Jason came in and sat in one of the chairs near us.

We just glanced at him and sighed once more bored out of our minds. A scent came wafting over my nose. I sniffed and it smelt familiar, I stood up and followed with my nose to the air.

"Where are you going?" Damian asked me.

"I smell something." I look at Damian sniff the air and join my side.

"Hm smells familiar, why don't we investigate," Damian suggested and I nodded.

We both walked off and headed to the kitchen where Alfred was baking chocolate chip cookies. I licked my chomps and sat on my hind legs, raised my front paws, and whined giving him the pup eyes.

Alfred looked down at me and smiled taking one and giving it to me. I put it on the floor and broke it in half, took one half, and gave it to Damian.

He looked at me and I nudged the cookie to him and he took it from my mouth. I took the other and ate enjoying the taste.

"Thanks, Alfred." I barked at the butler and walked off up the stairs and to Damian's room. I looked up and saw the bed height and jumped up high and landed on the bed. I didn't see Damian follow me so I presume he went somewhere else, so I laid and slept.

Puppy DamianWhere stories live. Discover now