Chapter 13

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The next week all is calm, I am back at home without Damian. I am now in school, in class and my teacher in the middle of a lecture when the principal came in with the last person I would see on earth.

"Damian Wayne is joining our school and this class. Enjoy and good day." The principal left and I glanced to see I am the only person without a partner.

I cursed inside my head and face the window. The teacher told Damian to sit next to me and he sat in his place. He glanced at me while I turned to glance at him at the corner of my eye. I glare at him telling him not to say anything.

The day continued normally and Damian is in all of my classes. We had home education as an extra class and Damian in there as well. My friends started complaining about how our teacher is always late because of her husband and child.

"Alright class since you are absolutely clueless about what a marriage and family is like. I am assigning a project that is eighty percent of your full grade. I will be choosing the groups and subjects you need to do. For now, read pages 11 to 20 about couples and do these questions." She writes the questions on the board.

"During the time I will come by and hand you a slip of paper saying who your partner is and what your topic is. I knew this day would come so I already prepared." the class groaned but Damian and me.

While reading miss slipped me and Damian a slip of paper and we glanced together to see we are partners together and our topic is marriage.

We have to perform it and explain what value it holds with all the steps. I groan in my head and sigh out loud at how aggravating it is.

"Hm, want to home by my house?" Damian asks and I nod not caring.

Under the desk, I text my main servant that I am going to Damian's house for a project. When the class is over both Damian and I head off to his limo where I greet Alfred.

"What seems to be of this pleasure in seeing you, Miss Dagger?" Alfred asks me in the review mirror.

"Home ed. Project with marriage." I told him bluntly.

We arrive and Damian's brothers greet me and I greet them with a small smile while we head up to Damian's room. We start working on the task not talking unless we have to.

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