Chapter 3

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Third person POV

It's been a few weeks since the pro heroes met Zach and Eri was brought into the Midoriya family.


I walk towards the front door of the house.

"Honey, where are you going?" I hear inko ask me.

I turn around and look at her.

"I'm going to bring three villains back to the light." I tell her.

I turn back around, open the door and walk out.

Shigaraki's POV

Myself, toga, and dabi are sitting around the main bar area, we hear a door open, we look in the direction of the sound, what we see puts us on guard.

A man in weird armor walks up to the bar, and grabs a can of pepsi from behind the counter.

He lowers his hood and takes off his helmet.

He opens the pepsi can, takes a sip, then sets it down.

"Who are you and why are-" "you three aren't villains." He interrupts me.

"What did you say?" Dabi asks.

"I said you three aren't villains, each of you didn't want to be villains, society forced each of you down this dark path, I'm here to bring you three back to the light." He tells us.

"How, by turning us in?" Toga asks, ready for a fight.

"No, by becoming the caring parent the three of you never had." He told us.

I feel confused.

"Touya Todoroki, you've suffered so much pain by the hands of endeavor, a pain that no child should have to endure." He tells dabi.

He looks at me.

"Tenko Shimura, you accidentally killed your parents because of your quirk, you never wanted to hurt anyone, the scared boy inside you is still there, waiting to be let out." He tells me.

"What do you know about losing your parents?" I ask him.

He holds out both of his hands, a ball of light appears in one hand, and a little floating robot appears in the other.

"I don't remember my parents, or any of my family, the little robot you see hovering above my hand is my ghost, he used the light to resurrect me from the dead, I'm not even from this dimension, in my original dimension, there's the traveler, it provides the ghosts their light, the traveler hovers the last safe city on earth, it's where what's left of humanity lives, guardians like myself fight back against the darkness, the traveler's enemy, 16 years ago my wife and i had a son, you may know him as deku, not even an hour after he was born, I sensed the darkness approaching the solar system, i left to fight the darkness and push it away from our solar system, so i could keep my wife and son safe, i would give up everything, including my light to protect my family, so don't ask me about losing family considering I don't remember mine from my past live, and that I had to stay away for 16 years of my sons life to protect him." He tells me.

I'm in shock.

He looks at toga.

"Toga Himiko, when your quirk appeared it caused you to have a massive lust for blood, causing you to kill to satisfy it, there are more ways than killing to manage it." He tells her.

"So you want to be the parent we never had, but we don't even know your name." Dabi told him.

"My name is Zachariah Sol Midoriya, husband of Inko Midoriya, father of Izuku Midoriya, i want to bring you into the Midoriya family, rest assured each of you will be under my protection, if the pro heroes come for you, I won't let them take you, I'm stronger than all might himself, so you three will be safe." He tells us.

"Before we decide if we accept or not, how do you know so much about us?" I ask.

"That'd be my doing." Another voice spoke.

I look in the direction of the voice and see all for one, my master.

"Master, you're here." I bow in respect.

"No need to bow Shigaraki, and don't call me Master anymore, Zachariah and I have been friends for a long time, he's the one who defused what would've been a tough battle against all might many years ago, he texted me a few weeks ago telling me of his return, he asked me for some information on anyone who didn't want to be a Villain, but was pushed by society to be one, and I gladly gave the info to him, knowing that he'd do this." Afo tells me.


I look to Shigaraki, touya, and toga.

"So, do you accept?" I ask.

"We accept." Touya, Shigaraki, and toga tell me in unison.


Me, toga, Shigaraki, and Touya walk in the door of the house.

"Inko, eri, izuku, I'm home." I say loudly.

I see inko walk out of the kitchen with eri in her arms, and izuku walk down stairs.

They see toga, Shigaraki and Touya, inko and izuku look at me with a face saying 'explain'.

I explain to them everything about toga, Shigaraki, and touya, a understanding look is on her face.

"Welcome to the Midoriya family Shigaraki, Touya, and toga, you three can call me mom." My wife tells them.

"Thanks mom." They tell her.

Izuku walks up to Shigaraki.

"Are we chill now?" He asks his new brother.

Shigaraki nods.

I walk over, two bracelets in hand, and put both of them on Shigaraki's wrists, a green light appears on both of them.

He looks at me confused.

"Those are quirk canceling bracelets, they're linked to each other, can be turned on and off by the switch on the bottom of them, so now you don't have to worry about turning anything to dust." I tell him.

He hugs me.

"T-Thank you so much dad." He tells me.

I return the hug.

"You're very welcome son." I tell him.

I look to my wife.

"I bought us a mansion a few weeks ago, with the help of all for one and all might, we'll be moving into it soon." I tell her.

She nods.

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