Chapter 5

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I'm at the door of Class 1-A, with my armor minus my cloaks hood and helmet on, I knock on the door.

"Come in." Aizawa tells me.

I walk in and stand infront of class 1-A.

"Dad, what are you doing here?" My son asks me.

"Dad?!?!" The rest of 1-A exclaim.

"Before anyone minus izuku and Aizawa start asking multiple questions, allow me to show why I wasn't here for a decent amount of izuku's childhood." I tell them.

They nod.

I make ruby appear.

"Yes Zach?" She asks.

"Ruby, show class 1-A some the footage of my battles." I tell her.

She hovers out of my hand and projects the footage.

10 minutes later

Izuku told me everyone's name.

"Any questions?" I ask 1-A.

"How strong are you?" Ochaka asks me.

"I'm stronger than all might and All for one combined, my light, which is what you saw in the footage, gives me an extreme amount of power with no drawbacks." I tell her.

Izuku's class looks shocked.

"So you could easily kill my 'father'?" Shoto asks.

"Your father is scared of me, I whooped his ass awhile back." I tell shoto.

"May I have everyone's attention?" I ask.

Everyone looks to me.

My ghost projects an image of our family base, and our family photo, including Tenko, touya, and toga.

"I would like to give each of you and your parents an invitation to live with me and my family, recently my family and I have moved into a massive base, the base you see my ghost projecting an image of right now, there's more than enough space for each of you and your families, I've even taken in three ex villains and made them a member of the Midoriya family, the grandson of nana shimura, Tenko shimura, formally known as Shigaraki, toga himiko, and touya todoroki, formally known as Dabi, and it's only the beginning, everyone in this room, except mineta, are more then welcome to live with my and my family, your parents can even live with us, free of charge." I tell them.

Shoto raises his hand.

"Yes Shoto?" I ask.

"Can me, my brother, sister, and mother live with you and your family?" Shoto asks me.

"Yes shoto, Touya will be extremely happy to see you, your mother, brother, and sister again." I tell him.

I look to the rest of 1-A.

"If anyone else wants to join, raise your hand." I tell them.

All of 1-A raise there hand.

I smile, then look to aizawa.

"You and the rest of ua's teachers, staff, principal, etc, are also welcome to join." I tell him.

Aizawa nods in thanks.

"Aizawa, can I talk to you for a moment?" I ask him.

He nods and we walk out into the hallway.

"What do you need to talk to me about, Mr. Midoriya?" Aizawa asks me.

"Rooftop trio, loud cloud, alive." I tell him.

Aizawa's POV

I process the five words Mr. Midoriya told me.

'Rooftop trio, loud cloud, alive, what does he mean?' I think to myself.

'Hizashi's nickname for Oboro was loud cloud, wait a minute.' I think to myself.

"Mr. Midoriya, are you saying that Oboro is alive?" I ask him with wide eyes.

Mr. Midoriya nods.

"Where is he?" I ask.

"One word: Kurogiri." Mr. Midoriya tells me.

"Mr. Midoriya, Y-you mean?" I ask, stuttering.

"Call me Zach, and yes shota, Oboro is Kurogiri, and not only is Oboro both you and Hizashi's friend, he's a guardian like me and is my friend too." Zach tells me.

"Does he still remember us?" I ask him.

"He does, but whatever caused Oboro to become Kurogiri must be keeping his memories under lock and key." He tells me.

"Is there any way we can bring him back?" I ask.

Zach walks beside me and puts his hand on my shoulder.

"I will continue to look into that Shota, you have my word." He tells me.

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