Chapter 9

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"Inko." I say to my Wife from the living room.

"Yes Zach?" She responds.

"Would you like me to teach you how to wield the light?" I ask her.

"Is that even possible?" My wife asks me.

I nod.

Cortana appears.

"Zach, there's portal signatures coming from Aizawa's Classroom." She tells me.

I shoot straight up, my armor appearing on my body, I run out into the hallway.

I reach and enter 1-A just as the portal opens in the middle of the room.

I notice the portal looks all vex like.

"Everyone behind me, Now!" I exclaim.

Everyone gets behind me as the portal glows slightly.

I pull my deadpan Delivery shotgun off my back, get it ready to be fired, and aim at the portal.

Two female guardians, wearing their armor like I wear mine, fall out of the portal.

The two female guardians get up.

"You just had to mess with the portable vex portal cayde gave us." The tall female guardian spoke.

'Her voice seems familiar.' I think to myself.

"Well sorry, I wanted to see if I could find him." The slightly shorter female guardian spoke.

'I-It can't be.' I think to myself.

I put my deadpan Delivery in safety mode, drop it onto the ground, lower my cloaks hood, and start taking my helmet off.

"K-Kat, A-Alex?" I ask the two of them, tears forming in my eyes.

Both of them look towards me, their eyes widen.

"Z-Zach?" Alex and Kat respond.

We tackle each other into a group hug.

"I thought I'd never see you two again." I tell both of them.

"Both of us thought we'd never see you again." They tell me.

The three of us separate from our group hug.

"Dad, who are these two ladies?" My son asks me.

"Izuku, this is Alex and Kat, their my big and little sisters." I answer him.

"Which ones the oldest?" Uraraka asks.

"I am." Alex answers her.

"Only by three minutes!" I say, punching Alex's upper left arm.

"You're the second oldest Zach!" Kat reminds me, punching my upper right arm.

"Dad, I thought you said guardians normally aren't born." My son tells me.

"Well before me, Kat, and Alex we resurrected as guardians, we were brother and sisters in our previous life, our ghosts found us close by to one another, somehow all three of us remembered our brother-sisters bond." I answer him.

The 9th user's guardian fatherWhere stories live. Discover now