Chapter 3 These are the People who has and hasn't seen the Headless Horseman

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name: John Tunstall

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name: John Tunstall. Mr. Tunstall believes his Regulators Mr. Tunstall believes in his Regulators he wants his regulators to be the best that they can be. Mr. Tunstall know that his regulators has seen something that they can not explain.

 Tunstall know that his regulators has seen something that they can not explain

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name: Sam Fox. Sam hasn't seen the headless horseman yet. she doesn't say that she doesn't believe anyone when they tell her that they have seen the headless horseman. but only time will tell if Sam will see the headless horseman.

name: Chavez

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name: Chavez. Chavez is the teller of the headless horseman story. Chavez may have seen the headless horseman at one time or another but nobody knows if Chavez has or hasn't seen the headless horseman because Chavez isn't saying yes or no.

name: Doc Scurlock

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name: Doc Scurlock. Doc has seen the headless horseman. Doc doesn't judge anyone and he doesn't say that he doesn't believe the others when they tell him what they saw. Doc knows that anything can happen.

name: Richard Brewer: Richard didn't believe Billy when Billy had told him that he had saw the headless horseman

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name: Richard Brewer: Richard didn't believe Billy when Billy had told him that he had saw the headless horseman. Richard had thought that Billy had made the whole story up until he had seen the headless horseman late one night.

 Richard had thought that Billy had made the whole story up until he had seen the headless horseman late one night

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name: Charley Bowdre. Charley hasn't seen the headless horseman yet. Charley did not believe that Billy had really seen the headless horseman, Charley may see the headless horseman very soon only time will tell.

 Charley did not believe that Billy had really seen the headless horseman, Charley may see the headless horseman very soon only time will tell

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name: Dirty Steve Stevens. Dirty Steve has seen the headless horseman. but Dirty Steve doesn't want to talk about seeing the headless horseman because seeing the headless horseman isn't the subject that he likes to talk about.

 but Dirty Steve doesn't want to talk about seeing the headless horseman because seeing the headless horseman isn't the subject that he likes to talk about

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last but not least is myself William H. Bonney. i had seen the headless horseman one Halloween night when i was going to the bunk house after helping Mr. Tunstall clean up after a Halloween party that he had gave us when i had saw the headless horseman i ran to the bunk house and told my fellow regulators that i had saw the headless horseman but nobody believed me. the only ones that did believe was Chavez and Mr. Tunstall and Doc. but i know what i saw when i saw it.

 but i know what i saw when i saw it

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name: Pat Garrett. Pat knows that there is something very Weird and very strange going on in Lincoln County New Mexico but he just doesn't know what it is. and Lincoln County New Mexico being a small town he would find out sooner or later Pat has heard the talk around town about a headless horseman but has yet to see this mysterious headless horseman well maybe just maybe one night one  dark night Pat will see the headless horseman. Maybe on Halloween who knows and only time will tell.

The Headless Horseman of Lincoln County New Mexico Rides AgainWhere stories live. Discover now