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Lucy stopped talking and looked at me, her head tilting to the side slightly. She looked adorable. Absolutely beautiful.

What was I thinking? She's my best friend. I can't think of her like that! I felt something shift inside me and my eyes widened. In one moment Lucy and I were standing in the middle of the guild, the next I had her pinned against a wall, my mouth on her neck peppering small kisses.

She didn't struggle. It made me wonder what she was thinking.

Lucy suddenly let out a small moan, and I smirked.

Something was wrong about this situation, I knew, but I ignored it. I do remember Levy saying something about a "dragon season", whatever that meant. She said that it had started yesterday and to be cautious of the dragon slayers. I guess this is what she meant.

I wouldn't have stopped kissing Lucy's neck if it weren't for someone chuckling behind me. I whirled around and saw Gramps standing there, and my face heated up immediately. Lucy let out a nervous and embarrassed giggle and hid behind me, which I thought was adorable.

"You two better get a room if you're going to be doing any of that. Use protection as well," Gramps said before disappearing. My jaw dropped as I stared at where he just stood. A hand rested on my shoulder before slowly moving down my arm, stopping at my hand. I looked up at Lucy and grinned. Lacing our fingers together, I tugged her out of the guild hall and in the direction of my house.


"I-I'm sorry if the food isn't good, I s-suck at cooking." A small voice whispered. I continued staring at her, love filling me.

"Krys, it's fine," I smiled, trying to reassure her. "Absolutely perfect. Just like you." A blush covered her face and she nodded, cutting a piece off her steak and eating it.

After awhile we finished our steaks. I continued to glance at her, every now and then. I reached across the table and took her hand.

"Be my mate, Krystal."


I threw my head back laughing. Laxus had just told me a joke and I couldn't help but laugh at how stupid it was.

The blonde smiled down at me and slung his arm around my shoulder. My face lit up in a smile of my own.

I hated how I was acting towards him. I only knew his name. That was the only thing he told me about himself. I pressed, but he didn't budge.

And now we were walking in the park, fingers intertwined.

"What's your favorite color?" The voice made me jump, and I pressed my free hand to my chest.

"Uh-uhm. Green, of course." I grinned. He rolled his eyes and stopped walking, letting go of my hand and instead settling his on my waist. Squeezing tightly, his arm pressed my side to his. Laxus let out a chuckle. "And yours is?"

"I'd say yellow, but I would be lying. It's black." He grinned and leaned down to kiss my cheek, coming closer to peck my lips. I pushed his face away while giggling. He growled and pushed me against a near tree.

I gasped in surprise. "Laxus! Quit it, we're not alone." Scowling, he looked around just in time to see a couple with a child, around the age of 5. Laxus lifted himself off me and grabbed my hand, pulling me along with him as he began walking.

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