Someone New?

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Krystal's POV

"Something seems off about Daichi. What's wrong with her?" My voice came off as concerned. But as I turned to Zale, all I received was a shrug of his shoulders. "Zale, she's our sister. We must help her figure it out."

Zale let out a breath of air, and glanced at me before looking back at the ground as we walked, "She isn't our sister. Maybe by bond, but not blood. Do not forget that awful day that we all met." I could see tears brimming his eyes, ready to fall down his flushed cheeks. My head turned down as well, remembering that horrid day.

That day had surely changed out lives, more for the good than the bad. That's what I thought, at least. Suddenly, a thought popped into mind.

"Maybe it's the Season that is making her this way!" Zale's eyes widened with terror. I would have laughed at the way his face looked, but this wasn't the time. The Season was always terrible; for most, at least. Dragons and Dragon Slayers alike would find another of the kind and . . . Mate.

I was hoping someone from Fairy Tail would be my mate. I always wanted Zale to be mine, just so I could feel comfortable with myself. But we were practically siblings, and once I understood the "mating" part, I quickly diminished my thoughts on the matter.

I began wondering who my mate would be, who'd be mated to Daichi. She was always so protective over Zale and I. It seemed that my mate would have to go through her questions and judgement to be with me. I smiled at the thought, imagining Daichi shining a lamp light into his eyes, demanding answers. Zale snapped me out of my thoughts, speaking softly.

"Are you imagining your mate being interrogated by Daichi too?" There was a large grin plastered on his face. I solely nodded, grinning myself. "Great minds think alike." He added.

"Or we just know Daichi too well." I giggled. All of a sudden, a presence was next to me. My eyes widened as I peered up through my lashes. A man with dark hair stood there, his hair covering most of his face.

"Are you Krystal and Zale? Some girl with green hair is asking for you two." He muttered under his breath, heaving a sigh after. Daichi came to my mind, and the fear of this man was gone immediately. I grabbed Zale's wrist and dragged him towards where I saw Daichi last--which was at the bar.

I slid onto the stool next to hers, Zale going and sitting on her other side. The drink in her hand smelled amazing, yet it looked disgusting. She turned to me, raising an eyebrow. Finally, she set her drink down.

"Where have you two been? I've been worrying." She all but yelled. Zale and I visibly flinched. My face turned to the floor, I began muttering apologies to her.

"We were caught up in talking about the Season. Sorry, but you seemed different and we were wondering if it was affecting you." Zale murmured, his voice wavering a bit. He and I weren't always the most confident people. Daichi let out a large breath of air, running her hands through her hair.

"Honestly, the Season is affecting me. I'm not trying to be offensive to everyone in this guild, but they're either too old, taken, or just . . . Not pretty."

Daichi's POV

I heaved a sigh, closing my eyes.

All of a sudden, the door burst open and in walked a very buff man. His hair was spiked and very blonde, his bangs seemed like in their own little world as they parted from his large tuff of hair. He bore a lightning shaped scar across his left eye, earmuff-like circulars topped off with a pointy spike caged his ears. My eyes roamed down; he wore a ratted cloak, and trousers.

His chest was bandaged, and I suddenly felt a need to assist him with something, anything. I licked my lips. He was a sight for sore eyes. My face suddenly felt warm, and I pressed my usual cold hands to my cheeks to cool them off. I didn't know how it happened, or what he was thinking, but his eyes snapped up and met mine. My eyes widened as I held my gaze, my face becoming even more flushed.

He grinned and winked at me, sitting down next to the Guild Master. I watched as the old man whispered something into the blondes' ear, turning his head only a bit to look at me. I twisted around and pretended to have a fake conversation with Zale and Krystal, hoping they wouldn't notice my obvious blush.

"Well, aren't you a cutie? What's your name, Hun?" A deep voice sounded from behind me, and I jumped from the suddenness. I pressed a hand to my beating heart and turned to look up at the man. Zale reached for my arm, but the blondes' glare stopped him. Instead, Zale jumped up from his seat and walked to Krystal, yanking her up and pulling the poor girl to a little booth. They were still in ear shot, so they would hear most of my conversation.

"I asked you something, now answer it." His voice snapped me from my thoughts. I stared up at him once again, mesmerized by how gorgeous he looked. I cleared my throat, searching for my voice. Suddenly, Masters's voice was heard as he yelled.

"Where is Zale, Krystal, and Daichi?" I stood, hearing my name. I sent the blonde an apologetic smile as I made my way to the old man. The three of us waited patiently in front of him, literally the whole guild staring at us in curiosity. Master leaned forward, murmuring, "Do you wish to join our guild, young ones?" I knew I wanted to be a part of this guild ever since I heard of it.

My eyes trailed to Zale and Krystal to find they were already staring back at my, pleading eyes boring into mine. I turned to the master and smiled, nodding my head. He chuckled and patted my head, bringing forth a few small boxes. "What color would you like your emblem to be?" He asked me first, gesturing to the small boxes.

"Green, please." I spoke quietly. He nodded and gave me a small box.

"Put it wherever you wish." I grinned and took it, opening it to find a lightly green colored pad. I took the handle, slightly pulling my dress to my thigh as I pressed the pad down, leaving Fairy Tail's insignia imprinted into my thigh.

I looked up to see Krystal and Zale, each pressing their own emblem into their skin. Krystal went for white on the left side of her abdomen. For Zale, he went with a deep blue plainly on his shoulder. I grinned at them, removing my hand from my skirt to let it drop back to my knees.

"Hey Old Man, who're they?" The blonde from earlier now stood next to me. I could feel his radiant warmth on my shoulder, and I found myself almost leaning into him.

"These are out newest members, Laxus; Zale, Krystal, and Daichi." Makorov turned to me last, smiling.

Edited and took a lot of stuff out!

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