Chp 6

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And I'm sorry for my rant; I have a short temper and seeing everything, I just.. blew.
Currently at an indoor pool surrounded by children


I shook my head as I fell into my bed. A lopsided smile was plastered on my lips as I thought about today. The dancing lessons were terrifyingly hilarious, my feelings for Laxus were growing. I didn't want them, but they were there.

A knock on the door brought me from my thoughts. I jumped off the bed and ran to the door, opening it quickly. My eyes met a large chest and I had to strain my neck a bit just to look at the man's face. There stood the guy I was just thinking about a few moments before. Laxus.

His bulging arms swooped down to pick me and crushed me against his large chest. I yelped as he did so, not expecting that. He stuffed his face into the crook of my neck. My body stiffened and I squirmed. I guess my hand swept over something, because Laxus suddenly moaned. Without thinking, I giggled.

Laxus' body noticeably tensed before he dropped my body, causing me to fall onto the ground. I winced as I moved around, my bum hurting from the impact. My body was once again tugged, but this time I was thrown over a shoulder.

I growled, putting my hands on Laxus' backside so I could level myself.

"Put me down right now, Laxus!" I yelled. He chuckled and stopped, looking back at me.

"Oh, but I love this view!" He snickered and smacked my ass, continuing to walk to wherever. I sighed and decided to just deal, because I really did not mind this. After a while, I got fed up.

"Laxus, where the hell are we going?" My neck strained to look at him. I was thrown onto something soft. "You have absolutely no manners." Rolling my eyes, my chin was clenched in his large hand. Laxus let go and crawled over my body, making me scoot back until I hit the head board. He chuckled lowly and looked deep into my eyes, lust flashing through his eyes.

Laxus lowered his body onto mine and I almost let out a groan. He moved his head so his lips were on my neck, and I found myself moving to reveal more of the area. I felt his hands on my waist move down a bit, taking my skirt with them. They stopped at my mid thigh and traveled back up, over my stomach, and to my breasts. His hands gave a soft squeeze. My eye lids fluttered closed as my fingers fidgeted.

I wanted to run my hands through his hair so bad... But I couldn't. One of his hands had came up and pinned both of my wrists above my head. He pressed his lower body further against me, causing me to moan, "Laxus."

Laxus let out a chuckle and began kissing me roughly, stuffing his tongue into my mouth. I bucked my hips a few times, making Laxus moan uncontrollably. "S-shit, we need t-to stop. I won't stop."

I kissed up his jaw, not wanting to. My hips knocked against his a few more times before I felt his body fly off of me. Eyes wide open along with my mouth, I stared at Laxus' chest heave up and down repeatedly. His eyes darted around the room, landing on anything but me. "I-I.." My voice quivered. I held my head down in shame, "I'm sorry."

I felt his presence next to me with his arms wrapped around my waist in a matter of seconds. Laxus took my cheeks in his hands and peppered sweet kisses around my face. I couldn't help but giggle at his tactics. When he tried kissing the corner of my lips, I turned my head at the last moment and caught him in a passionate kiss.

We made out a while longer and then decided to go and do something outside.

Laxus and I were hand-in-hand walking down a path in the forest. I quietly hummed as he swung our entwined hands. Every know and then, he'd swoop down and give my cheek a quick peck. I responded with a giggle.


I ran a hand through my hair as I listened to what Lucy was saying. Something about hair products, I think?

Her eyes focused on me while her hands moved around, something she did a lot. I looked into her eyes, which were the prettiest brown I've seen. No, they weren't just brown. They were like chocolate, with small hazel flecks that shined whenever she was truly happy.

I sound like such a girl.

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