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Please don't get your hopes up, but the next couple of chapters will be about information, and I'll be clearing everything up that even I may find tough to understand.

For starters, each of my dragon slayers have their own Exceed. Adnet is Daichi's, Mesi is Krystal's, and Pyry is Zale's. They may be hard to remember, but I'm a freak with names. The names Adnet and Daichi both have something to do with earth and/or plants. Mesi means something related to snow, and Krystal was made by my friend (since she is the creator of Krystal). Zale and Pyry have something to do with water.

Clear as mud?

Daichi = Adnet
Krystal = Mesi
Zale = Pyry.

You may also be wondering why I threw in the other dimension twins. I just thought about it, and since I didn't have any thoughts about the dragons, I wrote them in there. And yes, they will be back.

Why do I call my fans Sparklers?
Well, when I first got my account, I had a book called "NEVER TRUST SHINEY THINGS!!!" so I could be crazy and post some weird stuff in there. And in every chapter, I just went with calling y'all my Sparklers! Not to mention the fireworks called "Sparklers" are my favorite thing on 4th of July. 

Zale, Krystal, and Daichi will have their mates soon, it's already planned with whom!

If you have any other questions, comment or PM me!

Daichi's mother on the side!

"Heyo to your mayo!" C;

Bye my Sparklers!

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