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"Wake up you sleepyhead." I slowly opened my eyes.

I saw Roux already standing at her dresser. I propped myself up on my elbows, watching her walking back and forth in front of her dresser.

She seemed stressed.

"Can I help you?" I asked, my sleepy voice still audible.

"Yes ... I need something...," she thought for a moment, hesitant to tell me what she wants. "Something hot." She stammered.

I raised my eyebrows at her though I never really saw her that nervous.

"What is it with you today?" I asked her, a sly smirk growing on my lips.

She immediately turned around again, facing the dresser.

I got up from my bed and walked up to her, taking a look at her wardrobe.

I didn't know what her problem was. I mean she looks good in everything.

"You'd look hot in anything." I statted.

"So ... will you tell me why you have to look extra hot today?" I hit her shoulder lightly.

Roux turned her face away from me.

"We have Mr. Pucey today," she turned her head back to me looking me directly in the eyes "I don't want to look like trash y'know" she added.

"Wait, I thought you just joked about wanting to fuck him." My eyes widened.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" She asked sarcasm laying her voice.

I rolled my eyes, strolling back to my bed.

When we were all dressed, Roux and I left our room and went down to the common room.

"Good morning ladys." Matthew greeted us.

We both muttered a 'good morning' as we continued our way to the great hall.

"You're in a weird good mood today." I observed.

"Oh am I?" he stated sarcastically. I rolled my eyes ignoring him.

When we entered the great hall I immediately searched the hufflepuff table for Louis.

Louis is the only one in our friend group who isn't in slytherin. Though he's chilling the whole day in the slytherin common room.

Suddenly someone put their hands over my eyes. I turned around, facing Louis.

"Searching for me darling?" He stood there with a wide grin. Without giving him an answer I flung my arms around his torso hugging him tightly.

"Woah it's okay, I didn't think you missed me that much." He hugged me back. I smiled up at him looking in his hazel brown eyes.

"You wanna sit with us today?" I asked him. He nodded.

As we ate our breakfast I found myself always glancing in the direction of the staff table. And they were glued on a certain blonde professor.


The day was half over and we just had one lesson left.

We strolled into the classroom. Roux, Mat and I sat at a table together.

The classroom slowly filled with students and loud chattering followed with them.

The door opened abruptly, which made all of our heads turn around, only to be met with the new potions professor.

"I'm your new potions professor, Draco Malfoy. But I expect you to call me Mr. Malfoy." He rambled on while walking to his desk at the front of the room.

He turned around, as he leaned against his desk, crossing his legs as he did so. "Any questions?" He asked, not really awaiting anyone to talk.

In my head, I had a lot of questions. But will I ask any of this and embarrass myself? No. No, definitely not.

A gryffindor boy raised his hand. "So no questions?" Mr. Malfoy said unbothered by the boy who definitely had a question.

He simply ignored him and went around his table. He sat down, taking some papers out of his drawer.

"Since I don't really know what your knowledge is so far, we're going to write a test." He stated, giving the papers around. The class emitted in a mess of complaints. But that didn't bother him in the slightest.

"That won't really help you, will it?" He smirked.

I didn't mind at all. I was good at potions. It's my best subject after all.

"And I thought he's gonna be a cool teacher." Roux whispered, while she rolled her eyes.

"Silence now. You have twenty minutes."

The test was really easy. I finished after ten minutes. I looked to the front, watching every move of the professor. He wore glasses, I guess he marked some tests. You saw exactly, when something was wrong, he would have a smirk plastered on his face and shake his head. I was so focused on watching him that I didn't notice he talked to me. When did he move to my desk?

"Yes professor." I looked at him.

"I asked if you're finished," he repeated. I nodded and looked away, but I still felt his eyes bore into me.

"May I?" He took my test and walked back to the front. While he marked my test I haven't saw him smirking or shaking his head, that means I don't have any mistakes I assumed.

"Time's up. You can leave, but bring your tests to the front," he said not looking up from his work.

I packed my stuff and was on the way out of the classroom, when I heard his voice again. "Not you Miss Nott."

I stopped in my tracks and turned back around, waiting for everyone to leave the classroom.

Irresistible | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now