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I'm sorry that there hasn't been an update for so long. But here is the long-awaited update, enjoy reading!!!


I opened my eyes slowly. The bright sun outside the windows was burning right at my face, making my cheeks go red.

My head felt extremely heavy and I could already feel the hangover.

I sat up in the bed and glided my hands down my face. Due to the sun in the room, my eyes were still squinted. I tried to open them further. Just now I noticed that I wasn't in my dorm.

I looked around the large room. This is definitely not from a student. Am I even in Hogwarts? Slight panick started to grow within me at the thought of being who knows where.

What the fuck even happened last night? My head was pounding and I couldn't think. I know I went to the party, drunk, danced - but I just can't remember anything else.

My eyes scanned over the room over and over again. They landed on the nightstand beside me. I moved from the spot I sat on to the edge of the bed. I laid on my side so I was facing the nightstand, where a glass and a note were laying.

With furrowed eyebrows I took the note.

I hope your headache is still bearable. Drink the water it'll make you feel better.

I put the note back down and took the glass with water. But who knows, maybe the water is poisoned. I have no idea who put this water here for me and if I'm being honest, this note sounds very suspicious.

My sanity was greater, so I put the glass back on the bedside table.

"You're awake." A deep voice sounded from behind me. I turned back around and was met with a perfect looking professor Malfoy.

Wait. Does that mean I'm in his room.

My eyes widened at the realisation. He walked towards me and stopped at the end of the bed.

My eyes never left his. And his never left mine.

His eyes are like a deep blue lake in which you get lost. A lake you can look at forever. They are so deep, it feels like they're trying to look directly into your soul.

I sat up on my elbows. My head was pounding as I did so. I mean I shouldn't be surprised since I don't even know how I ended up here. With him! I'm still curious but it's kinda awkward to ask him. Never mind, this whole situation is awkward.

And I don't even wanna know how I look. Smushed make-up, messy hair, crumpled clothes...

Clothes? I'm still in the state of mind to know that I wore a dress last night. But that's not what I'm wearing now. I looked down at myself and saw a buttoned up, black shirt - which is definitely not mine.

My eyes wandered back to him, he still stood at the same spot. It feels like his eyes are hunting me. They never leave their prey out of sight.
I should be scared - being alone with a psychopathic teacher in his room - but I enjoyed it. The only thing that scared me, was the fact that I can't remember what happened.

„How did I end up here?" I squinted my eyes due to the sunlight.

And the first time since he's in this room with me, his eyes leave mine. He looked around, definitely trying to make up a story that sounds normal and not totally weird. „You were pretty drunk last night," he started „You fell asleep on the couch in the common room. I just didn't want to leave you there. There are plenty psychopaths on the school, you know."

„And you're one of them?" I said without thinking about it. „Sorry. I mean I didn—"

„No it's okay. I mean you're right. I would think the same thing, if I would be you now." A sincere  smile is playing around his lips.

I'm not gonna fall for his dog eyes, at least not now. „Did you change my clothes?" I asked him, fumbling with the black fabric between my fingers. His facade fell for a moment, „Yeah, but I haven't looked. You did the most yourself."

I nod my head. An awkward silence filled the room.

„I think I should go then." I murmured in the hope that he didn't hear. Because if I'm honest, I didn't want to go at all. But this unpleasant silence is not really what I want right now.

„Yeah, that would probably be a good idea before anyone sees you here." His words caused a sting in my chest. I know that no one should see us because he is my teacher and I'm his student. But still it hurt to hear these words from him.

I took the duvet aside and got up slowly. My head still pounded. I squinted my eyes, but that didn't help either. The sunlight was so bright I can hardly see anything but outlines.

I strolled through the room and tried to walk in straight lines. Since I didn't see anything, I ran around the room like a blind man.

„Here." I flinched back when I heard his voice right in front of me. Merlin, why do I have to be so easily startled. At least he stood in such a way that I didn't have to stare at the sun. He held my dress towards me - a touch of nothing to say the least. I tore the dress out of his hand in a quick movement.

I knew that if I looked at him now, I couldn't guarantee anything. That's why I stormed straight past him without saying another word. I didn't even put my dress on. I stormed out of his room, through the hallways, straight to my room, where I was met directly with an upset Roux.

„There you are, where have you been all night?" She said while pulling me into a tight hug. I was confused because she sounded really worried.

„Did something happen?" I asked out of confusion. She broke away from the hug. However, her hands remained on my shoulders.
Now she was the one who looked at me confused.

„Did something happen? Are you for real now?" She started her mom speech, „Louis and I had been looking for you all night. You disappeared from one minute to the next without a trace. You just wanted to get something to drink, but never came back! So where have you been!"

I didn't know what to answer her, because I couldn't remember anything myself. So I chose the truth - at least half the truth.
„Rou, I'll be honest. I have no idea myself." I said.

Hey eyes widened. „And where the fuck did you come from?" She shook my shoulders. Fuck, she's worse than my mom.
"From the girl's toilet?" It sounded like a question, and I would be surprised if she bought me this lie.

„Okay, you look horrible. We'll talk about this another time. But you need to sleep now." Her voice was back to normal.

She let go of my shoulders and gave me a light push in the direction of my bed. I didn't even start a discussion with her.

But one thing still kept me from sleeping. What happened last night? Why was Rou so worried? I mean, that wasn't the first time I didn't sleep in our room at a party. I'll find out.

Irresistible | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now