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I noticed her looking at me, not daring to keep her eyes off me. She distracted me from my work.

I marked her test and I was surprised she had answered every question correctly.

I let her stay after the lesson. When the others all left, I closed the door with a swift of my wand. Not once did she move since I told her to stay.

"You had every answer correct Miss Nott," I started trying to get her attention to me. "Okay, I already know that. Can I go now?" She said in a rather bored tone, eyes still looking everywhere but me.

Oh she will see where she's getting with that attitude of hers.

"You cheated didn't you?" I asked her. I knew she didn't cheat, but I wanted to get a reaction out of her. And it worked.


Was he being fucking serious.

I looked up at him with furrowed eyebrows. "I didn't cheat. What the —" I couldn't hold my voice down.

"However, since you put so much effort in your cheating, you'll get an E," he said rather calmly.

"An E sir? I'm sorry but that's not fair." I stated, walking closer to where he stood.

"You can't tell me what's fair and what's not Miss Nott. That's very unrespectful of you don't you think?" He asked raising his eyebrows at me.

"Sure, unrespectful from me," I muttered looking at the side.

"That's it, you're coming to detention tonight." Mr. Malfoy spoke making me turn my head to him again.

I was about to talk but his smug smirk told me that's exactly what he wanted. He wanted me to talk back.

I turned on my heels and heeded to the door, pointing my middle finger at him while I walked around the corner and out of the room, continuing my way down to the slytherin common room.

I made my way to my dormitory which I share with Roux. I opened the door and slammed it shut making her look up at me. I threw my bag on a chair and let myself fall onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling.

"What's gotten into your knickers?" Roux laughed coming over to my bed and sitting down on the edge.

"Detention," I said still looking up at the ceiling. "What, why? I mean you didn't -" I interrupted her with a deep chuckle as I turned my head to the side looking at her. "I know, I mean he said I cheated. I've got everything right and he's giving me an E." I declared.

"But you know what," I spoke while sitting up, "I'm not going." She stared at me uncertainly. "I don't think that's a good idea, you'll only get yourself into more trouble."

I rolled my eyes and hit her shoulder playfully, "don't be stupid, he wouldn't even dare."

He can wait the whole night, I won't go.



She's already five minutes late for her detention. Where is she? I couldn't even concentrate on my last classes, my mind was always wandering to her. I'm just gonna wait for her, she has to come in any minute.

Oh fuck it I'm gonna look for her, she'll see what she's got from playing with me.

I guessed she would be in the slytherin dungeons so I made my way down there. I stumbled through the common room, straight to the hallway of the girls dormitories. I checked for the name 'Nott' on every door I passed. That was till I eventually found it.

I was about to knock, when the door opened.


"I'm gonna go get the boys" I suggested as I got up from my bed. We wanted to make a little 'party'. Even when you can't really call it a party since it's just the four of us and we're only getting drunk and high.

Roux nodded while gathering all the alcohol that she stole from her parents.

I pushed the door open but ran directly into someone's chest. I looked up only to met with those deep grey eyes.

"I guess you are on the way to your detention, aren't you," Mr. Malfoy said staring deep into my green eyes. "Of course, I just forgot the time." I lied. Of course he knew I was lying.

"In my office Miss Nott. Now." He demanded before walking off. "But sir I don't even know where-"

"You'll find it," he stated walking around the corner and out of my sight.

I heard Roux giggle behind me, so I turned around with an annoyed expression on my face. "Told you it's a dumb idea" she commented with raised eyebrows, still laying in her bed.

"Do you know where his office is?" I inquired. She shook her head. Great. "Go have fun without me then," I mumbled, leaving the room. This man knows how to ruin a day.

I searched half of the school to find his office until after twenty minutes of searching I finally found it. I knocked on the door, waiting for him to let me in. I heard a quiet 'come in' and opened the door to his office.


Merlin what's taking her so long. After what felt like hours of waiting, I finally heard a knock. She stepped in, letting herself fall onto the chair at my desk across from mine. She crossed her arms and only stared at the floor.

I cleared my throat making her look back at me. "Why were you really not in your detention?" I questioned while crossing my arms on the table and leaning a bit forward. "Why do you care so much professor," she said confident as she moved her face closer to mine. My eyes automatically wandered to her lips.

She smiled and leaned back in her chair, rolling her tongue on the inside of her cheek. I stood up from my seat and walked around the desk. Stopping directly behind her, I leaned down to her ear, "get on the desk," I whispered.

Irresistible | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now