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Three weeks had passed since Mr. Malfoy and I had sex.

Nothing like that had happened again. But every time my eyes locked with his, the images flooded back into my mind.

"Do you already know what you'll dress up as at the halloween party?" Roux asked, laying on her bed. "No not really, what about you?" I inquired. She thought for a moment, her fingers playing with her black hair. "I think I'll be the devil." She beamed. I wanted to say something, but when my lips parted, there was a loud knock on the door.

"Come in," we said at the same time. The door didn't open. Roux and I shared a confused look. I stood up from my bed and walked over to the door. I opened it, but nobody was there. I peeked out and looked left and right in the corridor. However no one was in the hallway. I was about to go back in, but then my eyes met the ground.

I bent down and picked up the little package with my name on it. "Strange," I muttered to myself while I closed the door behind me and went back to my bed. "What is it?" Roux furrowed her eyebrows. "Don't know," I mumbled. I sat on the edge of my bed and lay the brown package down on my lap.

Roux jumped up from her mattress and rushed over to me, "what are you waiting for? Open it!" She squeaked excited. I began to open it, my hands slowly moving around rough surface.

"Merlin!" Roux gasped as she glanced inside of it. My jaw dropped to the ground, when I saw the contents of it. I turned my head to Roux in complete disbelief. It was a beautiful necklace, it was silver and had an emerald green pendant. It was breathtaking.

"Take it on!" Roux nearly screamed. I took it out of the box and examined it. "Can you?" I gave the necklace to Roux and put my hair on  the side of my neck so she can put it on. "Let me see," she giggled. Merlin she's more excited then I am. "Okay, okay, calm down." I chuckled as I turned my face to hers. She smiled at me, her brown eyes the size of the moon.

I walked over to my mirror. "Wow," I mouthed astonished. I touched the emerald green stone on the necklace. "This must've been expensive," I met Roux eyes through the mirror. "And?" She shook her head and smiled. "And. I don't even know who sent it." I said, narrowing my brows in uncertainty.

"Whoever sent this to you, has a god reason, don't you think." She wiggled her eyebrows. I knew what she meant. The last weeks I got presents on a daily base. But this was different. The last times it were flowers, 'love letters' or chocolates. Not a necklace that looks more expensive than my whole existence.

"Did he sent something else?" She questioned. I rushed over to her and took the package in my hands. And to my surprise there was a small letter inside. I pulled the letter out and ripped the envelope off.

My dearest love Elain,

I hope you like the necklace as much as I do. I saw it in the jewellery store and couldn't dare my eyes of it. It reminded me so much of your emerald green eyes.
You don't know how much I miss you my love. I need you more and more each day that passes by. One day it'll be you and me. Wouldn't that be beautiful? Just you and me?

Yours always

"He's a psychopath." I sighed and turned my head to Roux. "What did he say this time?" She asked. "Here," I gave her the letter and watched her as she read over it. She pressed the letter back into my palm and laughed. "What? It's not funny." I exclaimed. "It's just a man in love," she giggled. I shook my head as a chuckle left my mouth, "but still, he said 'he misses me'. That means I have to know him right?"

"Yes, but it's definitely not Louis. Poor boy has a handwriting like a child." Roux sighed. I ignored her comment and stared at the letter in my hand. "Doesn't this handwriting look familiar to you?" I murmured more to myself then to Roux. "Don't worry. As long as he's not stalking you it's okay." She said reassuringly. I nodded my head, a fake smile stucking on my lips.


These last few weeks have been pure hell. The only time I saw Elain was in the classroom. But that wasn't enough. I craved her. I needed her.

I bought her this necklace. The emerald in the pendant matched her indescribably beautiful green eyes perfectly.

The only way I could show her what I felt, was through letters. I wonder how long it'll take her, till she'll notice it's me. That it's me who can't think about anything but her.

I overheard her and her friend Evans. They talked about this hufflepuff boy Louis. Evans teased her, saying 'he has a crush on her' or 'when they'll date already'. It made me furious, hearing her talking about someone else. No one touches her except me.

I watched Parker closely. In the classroom as well as in his free time. He watched her. He made her laugh. He made her laugh, not me. I had to get my thoughts off. The best way I did this, was writing a letter to her. About my feelings. How beautiful she looked without even trying. How just by hearing her laugh or her voice, my whole mood changes into better.

I walked over to my drawer, where I placed the envelopes and papers. I opened it and took a paper out. Before I closed the door, I put out the box, where I collected pictures of her. I took the paper and the box with the pictures and ambled to my desk where I sat down.

I opened the box and immediately smiled when I saw her beautiful face. In some pictures she sat on the shore of the lake, in others she walked through the corridors or read a book in the library.

I began to write my letter. In between, however, I stopped because i couldn't take my eyes off of her beauty. One day it's just you and me.

Irresistible | Draco Malfoy, 18+Where stories live. Discover now