"My Name Is Aurora, Aurora Inferno."

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Percy's P.O.V

I told the other's about the dream. They told me not to worry, that it was probably just Gaea and Kronos messing with me. That Aurora never actually talked to me. And, most importantly, that I should just forget it ever happened.

I can't forget it though. It's like every time I try to I remember it again. It's like when someone tells you not to think about something, and you weren't thinking about it until they brought it up. And then you can't stop thinking about it.

Anyways, we are now climbing up the mounting. Well, not exactly climbing since we don't have any protective gear and stuff, but still climbing. Oh, and when I say up, I mean straight up.

"You alright there?" Luke asks.

"Fine." I say, keeping it short to same as much of my breath as possible.

It was quiet again.

That's something I've grown used to since we started this quest; silence. I sometimes wonder how Aurora does it, how she keeps sane when all that's surrounding her is silence and greens. But, then I realize that she has her dog.

That's another thing I forgot to tell you, I decided that the creature with red eyes is a dog. Or close enough to one. Maybe that's how she keeps sane, her dog. But, what about when it comes to watch us? Does she come with it or...

The forest does this to people.

It's silence makes us over-think things. It's like whenever one of your questions is answered, another one pops up in you mind making you rethink the answer to the previous question. It's like it was created to drive people crazy.

"Are we almost there?" Leo's (annoying) voice asks.

"Yes." Luke replies back bluntly.

Not even a single bird was making it's presence known now. Well, actually, there aren't any birds here, or animals in general. It's like they all disappears from the face of the earth when you step into this forest. Almost like they're afraid of it, or what's in it.

I'm going with the second option.

They're probably afraid of that dog. I don't blame them, I'm afraid of it too. With those beady red eye and that almost mutant like body, it could scare anything and everything.

"We're here." Luke's voice says bringing me back to reality.

"That's it?" Piper asks, motioning to the cave that stands a few feet away from us.

It's actually not that bad, the cave I mean. It's outside is rocky, just like any cave should be, and it goes until the end of the cliff. It's actually quite small once you take a good look at it. it doesn't really look like someone could spend twelve years living in it, well at least not comfortably.

I'm quite disappointed. I guess I just expected more, like a purple aura around it or spiky rocks surrounding it's opening so no one could get in. Maybe I just expected it to ooze power or something like that.

I looked around.


No beady red eyes, or mutant like body. I guess it's inside. Or maybe it doesn't exist, maybe it really was just Gaea or Kronos messing with me.

Suddenly I heard a growl behind me. Quickly me and the rest turned around.

Or maybe it was just Aurora trying to contact me and make small talk, I think as I stare at the sight before us.

And, sure enough, it was there.

It proudly stood with all it's glory, the skin on it's body stuck to his every bone, it's ribs still sticking out, and instead of a tail covered with skin and meat it was pure bones, the rest of it's features were like any other German Shepherd. It's eyes beady red.

"What is that?" Piper asked, her dagger in her hand as she stood ready to attack.

I look and, sure enough, the rest also have their weapons in hand, Leo holding a fire ball instead of a sword or dagger.

Luke advances toward it, but it easy doges his attempt at an attack. The dog like creature makes a half circle, and we follow it so we were facing the same was as we originally faced.

A small gasp is heard from beside me, the owner of the sound being no other than Bianca.

"Put your weapons down." The thirteen year old says as she stands beside her dog, her head was facing the ground.

She almost looked like one of those shy new kids you would see at school that were overly scared about embarrassing themselves on their first day. She had a pair of blue jeans on and a white shirt which had a leather jacket on top of it. She really, really, almost looked normal.


The quiver full of arrows and a bow that hung on her back completely broke the shy new girl she had going on. And something told me that her eyes would too.

Her hand was laying almost naturally on it's head as it sat beside her, it's head was leveled with her waist, so she didn't have to make much of an effort to pet it.

"I said put your weapons down." She repeats herself, her voice sounding eery calm and, quite frankly, I was scared the rest wouldn't listen to her.

"Who are you?" Jason asks, his voice holding a certain edge to it and I immediately knew what it was. Fear. "What do you want?"

"I think the real question is what do you want." She says, lifting her head up so she held it up high instead of hanging it low. I held in a gasp as I caught a look of her eyes. They were a mixture of Purple, Blue, Green and a little bit of yellow, just like what they looked like in my dream. (I posted a pic with her eyes in it in the last chapter)She has a purple rose behind her ear, I notice. Interesting. "And my name is Aurora, Aurora Inferno. But most people don't live long enough to know that."

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