Yes or No

13 1 1

So this is an outline creating style that helps with some of the character outlining, and possibly the plot outlining if you know what questions to ask. This works best if you have someone to help you.

So, with that helper of yours, you're going to ask them a series or yes or no questions and possibly choose between this number and this number questions. You don't want to tell them what they're saying yes or no to until you get most of your outline done.

For example, you get your background all set up and then you go on to creating your characters starting with their physical attributes.

When it came to eye color I would just ask : " Color?". And so on with hair and eye colors. Then with height I kept it simple with the tall, medium, short. Same with weight, keep it simple.

Now develope the personality with the yes or no questions.

Example : Does he/she/they have a sense of humor? Yes or no. 

Then you show in some way what your help says. Then you can start the lovely process of randomizing events in the book with this method as well. And you get to work around the complicated and hopefully random answers.

Another example : Does it rain cats and dogs for real? Yes or no.

If they say yes, you have to do your best to implement that into the story.

Good luck! I had a lot of fun with this one and ended up developing a plot line and 14 characters in about an hour in a half. All that needs done is writing out all that happens.

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