Dangers of Cooking

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  " Hey, do you know how many ways a human could die by just cooking?"

  " No, and I don't care. Shut up and focus."
  " But there's nothing to focus on yet. Anyway, just think! A human could put the wrong ingredients in the meal and kill everyone just with that. They could prepare the ingredients wrong. They could probably cook it wrong and it'd kill everyone!"

  " If you don't shut up, you won't have to be cooking to die."

  " Oh, lighten up, it's not like we die easily. Humans on the other hand could catch themselves on fire. Or more, catch the food on fire, which catches the cooking surface on fire, which then catches the shelter on fire killing not only themselves but possibly anyone in the vicinity. And then-OW! What was that for?"

  " I told you, shut up."

  " But can't you just picture it? I mean if you think about it, a human can die doing cooking faster and more often than they could by driving their vehicles. Because they cook more than they drive and such. OOH, what if they tried to cook while driving?  I'm sure it's happened before! What if- OWW! Would you quit!"

  " Oh put a sock in it! You need to shut up or so help me I will-"

  " What? Kill me, well you can't. Well, not easily anyway. I'm not as vulnerable as humans. Plus- OW! Stop it!"


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