Comment to yourself and past self.

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Okay, I don't know about all of you. But when I need inspiration, sometimes, I'll go back and read what I have already written and leave comments.

I also reply to my past comments. It can get quite amusing and it feels like I'm talking to a different person because I've been doing it for a long time and I change over time.

Google docs makes this easy because it shows the comments off to the side so you can see them easily while you read.

One of the best things I love about this is if I come to a horribly simple grammar error, I'll comment on it and later recommend on it with entirely new thoughts. But I don't change the error right away, I do that in the next draft.

Let me know if any of you do that too. It would help reassure me I'm not as crazy as a lot of people think. Peace all, have an amazing life!

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