The bully is a Fool!

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" Suicide is so stupid."

I watched quietly as the bully chatted with (his/her) friend(s). Today really wasn't a good day for this bull crap.

" Suicidal people should just kill themselves, that way they stop whining about their life." I felt my face getting hot as I listened, my anger mounting quicking.

" Most of the time suicide is just a joke, they won't actually do it."

That's it! I stood up quickly, knocking my chair to the ground roughly. I sauntered up to the bully and his/her friend(s).

" What do you want, nerd?"

" You think suicide is stupid, huh? Just a joke?" I seethed angrily, and he/she laughed.

" What is it to you? It doesn't really matter much. If people want to bitch about their lives and kill themselves, who cares?"

" I care! There friends and family cares. Suicide isn't what is stupid. What's stupid is heartless brats like you who make others think that suicide is the only option. Suicide isn't a joke. You might make jokes about suicide, but that only makes a fool out of yourself and your ignorance!" I turned on my heel and left him/her standing there, speechless.

I pushed my way out of the ring of kids who were watching tensely and walked right out of the school. So not a good day!

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