I Challenge You!

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I challenge you, the reader, to create an entirely new planet.

Give that planet three or more different races or different types of people. Four or more different climates or terrains. Give each of those races a name. Maybe create a map, and put seven or more villages or settlements on it. What makes the people of one settlement unique from another?

Then develop how those races interact. How the villages or cities interact with each other? Do those races live together peacefully, or is there war and dispute?

Go ahead and make a book on it, be a character of a race unknown to humans and create their history. Figure out a society system (three if you want to be really creative) and toss your character(s) into any kind of class or status you want.

And maybe, if you get this far in the challenge, have your characters race or entire planet discover Earth and its inhabitants. What would you do if you found creatures like humans on such a nice and beautiful planet?

Oh, wait. Do you need help figuring this idea out? Maybe a little hint to help you get going?  Fine. I'll just give this one piece of advice; Don't write something a human expects to read, right something far greater, magnificent, glorious, breath taking, unusual, unworldly, creative! Write what you want to read, or see in your mind.

Now be off with you! You have a book or scenario or character to be! Create your own adventure.

Authors note- This is my prompt.

I created 9 different planets, 7 different races, and made descriptions for 14 different moons to those planets. Each of those races are different, three are similar-ish, but all are different. They each also have their own special thing. Each planet has its quirks. Each race has a different life span.

The project I have been descripting I started working on when I was seven years old. A lot of you won't believe that, that's fine. When I was seven I started out with one race, crash landers on Earth. Then I decided to discover their planet. And it has exploded since then.

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