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A twig broke behind me and I lifted my head lazily. The fawn staggered into the clearing, struggling to stay upright through the breeze. Shaking the snow from my body, watching it cascade around me, I stood and moved towards it. As soon as I moved it froze before dropping to the ground to be hidden in the snow. The adorable action made me snort, oddly enjoying the small creatures' company. Careful not to crush it, I curled up around it as the wind built and the snow blinded me.

A faint noise woke me, and for a moment I could not place it. Not long after, I drifted off again. Only to be woken up once more by something I couldn't place. After a moment, the whining loud meowing sound rose up next to me and I bleakly remembered the fawn. Groaning, I rolled away from it and its bleating became quite loud. A couple of minutes later, a doe emerged from the treeline. The little one made a beeline for her, clearly quite hungry and glad to have been found. Quietly, I stayed under the snow and watched. The sight was touching and my heart ached.


This is an excerpt from a story I've been writing for a little while. Kind of a side project but a fun one. 

I hope it helps spark ideas and imagination. 

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