Finders Creepers part 1

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Bailey's POV

I blinked twice and shook my head. There was no way I was gonna let some guy like Scott take control of my game! That was certain. Whatever I was feeling for him, I promised myself I would swallow it. These first three days were a good practice run but now I have my game face on and there won't be any stopping me! 

I took a deep breath and walked confidently towards the cabins. I noticed Brick was sitting on the Maggot steps waiting for me. I took a seat on the stairs opposite him. 

"What took you so long? I was starting to think you got eaten by one of Chris' monsters" Brick joked. I punched him in the arm and smiled. "So, did you talk to Jo at all?" I asked, this time without any suggestive tone. "Yeah, a little. Nothing too out of the ordinary though. Much to your unhappiness I'm sure" he replied. "Look, I just want you to be happy is all" I answered back. I put a hand on his shoulder and smiled at him. However, my little moment of happiness was soon ruined when Brick asked, "what about you and Scott, anything interesting in that department?"

I knew he was gonna ask me about it again. Darn it all, I never should have brought Jo up. The truth was, I didn't really know what to say on the subject. I didn't exactly know how I felt about him. I sighed and spun slightly so I was laying on my back and facing the stars. I just kept thinking about what happened after B flew off into the sky. Why did Scott say those things to me? Did he mean them or was he just manipulating me? Well if he chose the latter he's definitely moving in the right direction. He definitely got my head out of the game and I'm finding it really hard to get it back in.

Brick looked at me concerned. "I'm fine Brick, don't worry. Its just gotten complicated is all" I told him. He seemed relieved at this but still slightly worried. He sat me up and gave me a hug and then put both hands on my shoulders. Giving him much full attention, I listened to what he had to say this time. "I want you to be happy too. Whatever it is that's happening, you can handle it. You are super smart and strong and you can take whatever life or Chris throws at you. You got this soldier!" After that he let me go and I gave him a hug. 

"Hey, if things don't work out, that's fine! Because we McArthurs are here to win!" I told him. I let him go and we smiled at each other. We did our sibling handshake (which consisted of hand slaps forward and backward, eagle hands, then back and into fists, a fist bump and finally from the fist bump to a salute) and said our good nights and goodbyes. I jogged over and up the Rat cabin steps and shouted over to Brick, "By the way we're gonna smoke you in the next challenge!" "Don't count on it soldier!" Brick shouted back. We both laughed and entered our respective cabins for what should have been a good nights sleep.

But it wasn't.

I was sleeping perfectly soundly until I heard an airhorn go off.


I sprang out of bed the minute I heard that. I changed out of my pajamas in record time and quickly tied my hair back. I sprinted outside and almost ran Sam over! I managed to get down the stairs just before he arrived at the railing.  I heard Scott exclaim "me first" and then a thud but that wasn't exactly of much importance to me at the time.

I skidded to a stop in front of Chris and Dakota, who was now wearing a red intern shirt tied at the bottom and khaki pants. She was operating the airhorn and was plugging her ears to drown out at least some of the sound. Chris on the other hand had red noise canceling headphones. 

Once we were all in attendance, Dakota stopped the airhorn and uncovered her ears. "Thanks intern!" Chris shouted removing his ear protection. "Huh?!" Dakota shouted back. "Hehe. Hey Dakota!" Sam said in an effort to get her attention. "What!? Speak up! Woah!" Dakota shouted as Chris shoved a tv on a rolling cart into her, which caused her to fall down. I saw that the tv had a map of the island on it with six green skulls, three golden spots, and a purple spider symbol on top of it. "Challenge time!" Chris exclaimed.

"A challenge? Now, when it's all, dark..." Brick said. Oh, no. I forgot!

HE'S SCARED TO DEATH OF THE DARK! I just have to keep reminding myself that he can take care of himself. He's got his team to help him, I don't have to...

I put a hand on his shoulder in reassurance. I looked at him with a 'you can do this' face. I wasn't going to be able to help him through this. He was gonna need all the confidence he could muster in order to make it through. I saw Jo glare at us in my peripheral vision, I didn't have the time to respond to it though.

"Your challenge, a scavenger hunt for three creepy souvenirs! Your locations, a haunted forest, a scary pet cemetery and an extra spook-tastic cave! The first team to each location earns a special clue, but watch out for booby traps, I really went to town on them!" Chris chucked. "So move fast, and stick together! You'll be penalized for each player you lose." Duly noted Chris.

"What does the spider represent?" Cameron asked worried."Oh yeah, there's some kind of giant mutated spider sorta running around loose on the island" Chris answered nonchalantly.

Then a symphony of complaints and remarks of fright erupted from us all.

"What's on the loose!?" Dakota called out. "A GIGANTIC MUTATED SPIDER!" Sam screamed into her ear.

"You have nothing to fear but mortal terror itself! Talk soon" Chris said then blew the air horn again and we were off.

"I'm really worried about Brick. He's been afraid of the dark for as long as we both can remember" I said to Dawn while running through the forest beside her.

"Bailey, we've talked about this. Brick will be just fine. Besides, he has Jo. Despite what she says, she'll  take good care of him" Dawn reasoned.

"Thanks Dawn! You're  a real pal" I told her.


"Dawn is the best, I couldn't imagine playing this game without her"


Scott's pov

"Thanks Dawn! You're a real pal" said Bailey to Dawn.

Crap! I gotta split those two up before I lose my lead with Bailey. I was sooo close after yesterday! I could see it on her face when I looked back. Dawn could throw a wrench right into my plans!

Maybe a nighttime challenge would be just the time to get Bailey right were I want her...

(Authors note: I'm going to split this into parts because A I really want to get this out to u guys and B I'm lazy)

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