Finders Creepers part 2

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Scott's POV

I ran backwards to catch up with Bailey and Dawn.

"Hey ladies! Nice night tonight huh?" I said looking more towards Bailey for the last part.

"Yeah, I love nights like this. It's just beautiful, the moonlight and the forest. I know I don't seem like the type who would like this stuff but, I've always thought it was pretty" Bailey explained. This gave me an idea.

"Not as pretty as you though" I kinda whispered, loud enough for her to hear but quiet enough to where it would seem like a side comment to myself. I will admit she is kinda prett- Wait, no!

Bailey's POV


"I'm not flattered! He's probably just trying to get in my head again! W-we'll nice try, Scotty! You're not getting me this time! *now speaking quieter, as if thinking out loud* Not that it wasn't nice to hear though, hehe. *sighs* *looks at the camera worried* No! Wait, I... *sighs in anguish this time*" 


My eyes widened at why I just heard from Scott's mouth. I couldn't help the blush that rose to my cheeks. Boy, was I happy it was dark out!

We ran up to a tree with a speaker on it, apparently it was the first landmark. "Woah! First! That's right!" Lightning exclaimed.

"Welcome to the haunted forest!" the speaker said, "your clue can be found at the base of this tree."

Lightning reached down into the hole to retrieve the clue.

"In a bear trap!" Chris laughed from the speaker.

Sure enough there was a bear trap in that hole, and it was now clamped around Lightning's arm.

"Here creepy girl! Read the clue!" Lightning said handing the paper to dawn with the bear trap still on his arm as if he were a cartoon character. 

I tried my best to hold in my laughter as Brick's team ran up.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" said a smug looking Jo.

"Hey! Find your own piece of paper" lightning said.

"Yeah get lost Jo" I retorted. Brick's team ran off into the forest leaving us alone with our clue. I turned my attention to Lighting, who still had a bear trap on his arm. "Lightning, do you want some help getting that thing off? It can't be comfortable" I said to him. "Sha-please, the Lightning don't need no help from a girl!" He responded. I glared at him and walked closer. I grabbed hold of the two different sides of the trap and pulled them apart. The trap fell to the ground along with all my teammates jaws. "Hey! We have a challenge to complete. So, are you all gonna sit there or are we gonna act like a team and win this thing?" I asked. "Dawn, if you would read the clue please?" I asked getting our team back on track. We started walking down the path into the forest as Dawn read.

"Inside a knot is a nest. Your souvenir lives with a pest. Find Polaris to travel northwest. Polaris is the North Star!" Dawn exclaimed.

"The North Star's right there so this ways northwest! Here's a path" Scott said and off we ran down the way.

However, I heard a familer scream in the distance. I stopped for a second.

"Brick!?" I shouted.

"Bailey! Come on!" Sam called out to me. I shook my head. "COMING!" I called and ran back to my team.

"Inside a knot is a nest, Dawn what was the second part" Sam said after we ran a little ways. "Dawn, Dawn, Dawn, Dawn!" Sam screamed. "What? Did we lose the weirdo?" Scott asked. "Wait, Dawn's missing?!" I asked panicked.

"We get penalized for each lost player, right?" Sam said.

"And there's some whacked out spider crawling around, right?" Lighting said.

"And Dawn could be dead for all we know, right?" I said legitimately worried about her.

"We're looking for a knot with a nest, right?" Scott asked, annoyed by our antics.

"There it is sha-score!" Lightning shouted upon seeing a tree with a huge hole in it. Not only that, but there were 2 lines sprayed in the team colors.

"Wait what about Dawn!?" Sam asked.

That's exacly what I'd like to know...

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