Truth or Laser Shark part 1

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Bailey's POV

I woke up early the next morning, as I usually do. When you live with Brick and his crazy loud alarm clock, you get used to waking up early. I learned to be a morning person and it will only help me while I'm here. 

I noticed that none of the Toxic Rat girls were awake (or at least I thought Dawn was asleep, it's hard to tell with that girl) so, I decided to take advantage of this and go out searching for that immunity idol. I'm not usually the type to get myself in trouble or make someone angry, however, it's always good to cover all your bases and make sure. As of right now, I can only really trust myself. With Brick on the other team and Baron Von Scottmeister reeking of trouble, I'm really the only ally I've got.

I got up, quickly got dressed and hit the literal dusty trail. I started looking everywhere. I was looking around in trees, in holes, digging around and had no luck so I started back to camp, covered in dirt. I decided to take a shower quick as soon as I got back.

When I arrived Scott ran up to the cabin also covered in dirt.

"Let me guess," I started.

"Looking for the idol?" Scott finished out of breath.

"Yeah" I said.

Scott weakly gave me a high five. Just then Sam and Lightning poked their heads out of the cabin.

"Hey guys, what's with all the dirt?" Sam asked.

"Oh um" Scott said looking for an excuse.

"Just having a early morning make out session with one of the honeys" Scott said standing up crossing his arms.

Lightning gave me a look.

"It wasn't me you guys" I said understanding exactly what they were thinking.

"Then if it wasn't you what were you doing?" Sam asked suspiciously.

"Relax, I was attacked by a bear" I said.

Scott gave me a questioning glance, Sam looked at me like I was crazy and Lightning stared at me blankly.

"What?" I asked.

"You took on a bear?" Sam asked incredulously.

"I found some berries on the ground and threw them away from me, while the bear was distracted I ran away" I said calmly.

"And you weren't scared?" Scott asked keeping up the whole charade.

"My Dad is a soldier, fear isn't in the Mcarther vocabulary" I said matter-o-factly. With that said I walked into the cabin, grabbed some clothes and went to take a quick shower. 


"So I told one lie, what do you think they'd say if I said I was looking for the idol? *smacks forehead* Shoot! Now Scott knows I was looking for it too! Why did I tell him? Well at least we both have the same secret. If he rats me out I'll rat him out, but I think it would be in both of our best interests to keep this quiet. It's too early to have a target on your back."


When I got back Chris was on an ATV in front of our cabins. God, what did he want us to do now.

"Up an at 'em my little morning glories, it's time for today's challenge" Chris said.

"What?, but Lightning hasn't had his DPA" Lightning said.

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