Ice, Ice Baby

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Bailey's POV

"Ahhh" I said stretching. I woke up early again, as per usual. I decided since no one else was awake I would search for the immunity idol again. I jumped down from the top bunk and walked outside. I poked around another area of the island for about thirty minutes. Finding nothing, I decided to call off the search and go get some breakfast. I walked over to the mess hall, got my breakfeast and sat down next to Dawn. 

I feel like Dawn and I have a pretty good bond. I mean you would almost have to when she already knows everything about you. But that's not a bad thing.

"Morning," I said to my team,"How's everybody doing?" I'm just trying to make sure everyone's doing OK. We are a team after all, it's high time we start acting like one.

"Sha-Lightning will be fine if the rest of you losers can actually play the game today" Lightning piped up bitterly. I decided to switch subjects.

"Hey Sam, how are you holding up?" I asked.

"Ok, I guess" he said.

"Ok, if you're sure" I replied.

Sam ate a bit of gruel and started to choke on it. He quickly coughed it out on to Scott's face.

"Now I know why gruel rhymes with cruel" Sam said. This got a small chuckle out of me. Sam and I both looked up at the same time to see Scott comically covered in our sad excuse for breakfast that day.  "Oh, sorry man" Sam said to Scott.

Scott said nothing but replied by throwing a bowl at Sam's face.

"Dude, not cool" I said to Scott while giving Sam a couple of napkins. "He spat gruel on me" Scott defended.

"Does that give you a reason to throw a bowl at his head? No. Come on guys, if we are gonna beat the Maggots today we're going to have to be a team. So act like you like each other and let's win this challenge, kay?" I said and continued eating. I heard a small chorus of "yeah"s and "sure"s. It wasn't much but it was a start. 

Not much happened after that, Brick and Jo tried to competitively eat their breakfast which is never a good idea. Brick choked on a spoon, Lightning chocked on a bug, Dawn saved the bug from being choked on by Lightning, and Cam pointed out a rat which happened to know how to use telekinesis and threw a refrigerator at us. All in all a pretty uneventful breakfast. Wait, what? The telekinetic rat? Oh yeah...

We all screamed in terror and ran outside, well all of us except Mike. He got thrown out the window. As we all caught our breath and the adrenaline released itself from our bodies, we heard Chris over the PA system.

"Attention, campers! Please make your way to the looming tragedy that is Mt. Looming Tragedy. Your race begins now!" Chris called out over the loud speakers.

"Maggots ho!" Jo said and off we ran, Jo, Brick, Lightning I in the front of course.

As we were running I thought this would be a good time to talk to Brick.

"So how about that Jo girl, huh? You guys seem to be getting along" I questioned. I tried to keep down the smirk that was trying to form when I noticed Brick's face get a teensy bit redder.

"W-well of course we are, we Maggots are a good team. We work together really well" Brick said stammering at the beginning.

"If you say so..." I responded smirking. However, little did I know that it was my turn to be embarrassed next.

"So how about that Scott guy? Is he nice? I noticed you talking to him." I didn't even have to look at Brick to know he was smiling. I walked right into that one. I could feel my face get hotter. Come on Bailey! Don't just sit there!

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