Truth or Laser Shark part 2

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Bailey's POV

I walked through the forest to a swampish area with a huge obstacle coarse in front of us. Great, it's Sergent Jr. bootcamp all over again. To make it worse since no body won the last challenge we all had to wear glasses that nobody could see through making this challenge even more difficult.

"Welcome to the Mad Skills Obstacle Coarse" Chris said as he explained the areas. There was a giant boot, an area surrounded with cannons, rolling logs with wrecking balls swinging overhead, tiny wooden platforms supported by even smaller wooden pillars (that were being chomped by mutant beavers), huge red bouncy platforms and a ginormous baseball mitt surrounded by several enormous bats. This most certainly, did not look like fun...


"We'll it's official some of us are gonna die before today is over"


"Players, take your positions" Chris said everyone found a place but me.

"Everyone's even where am I needed?" I asked noticing that everyone else had a partner from the opposing team.

"Doesn't matter, just pick spot already" Chris said annoyed.

"Fine" I said and walked over and stood next to Scott and Jo.

"First at the Kick Start its Lightning against Anne Maria, then it's Dawn vs Brick vs the cannonballs. Scott and Bailey face Jo in wrecking ball alley" Chris announced.

Jo glared at Scott and I. Scott and I gave her a smirk and crossed our arms.

"Why are you two so smug?" Jo asked us.

"Because we're gonna win!" I said letting my competitive side show.

"And go!" Chris said after announcing everyone else.

Lightning got kicked by the boot and landed in the mud.

"Anne Maria takes the early lead" Chris said.

She ran up to my brother and placed the maggot on his face.

Brick was about to start his part of the relay race but banged into a pole...

Several times...

Lightning ran up and gave Dawn our rat. "Sha-bam! Go creepy girl, go!"

She started running then stopped upon reaching the cannons.

"Anybody wanna swap!" she shouted.

The rat pointed and screeched.

"What's that duck now?" Dawn asked and ducked and the cannonball that was headed for her hit brick square in the face causing him to fall over.

Dawn ran up to us and gave Scott the rat. Scott mumbled something to himself as we ran along the giant rolling pins, some moving faster than others. And by some I mean me.

"Right little guy?" Scott asked the rat.

"Scott! look out!" I shouted but I was too late. Scott got hit by the wrecking ball and slammed into me sending us towards the other platform.


I stood up on my hands and knees, I was dizzy, my vision was blurrier then it already was and I couldn't think straight. I think I hit my head a little too hard...

It took a minute but I started regaining my senses slowly. My blurred vision began to revert back to its original blurry state. As this happened I noticed a hand reach down to me and I took it.

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