Bigger, Badder and Brutal-er! part 1

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Bailey's POV

My twin brother Brick and I had gotten the call recently that not just one of us would be participating in the newest season of Total Drama, but both of us! They gave us a day or two to get prepared, say our goodbyes to our parents, and then get to where we were supposed to get picked up. That was where we were now. Brick and I gathered our belongings and shuffled onto the huge boat that would be taking us to Camp Wawanakwa. We stood on the deck of the ship and waved to our parents as they got further and further away. Once they were out of sight Brick turned to me.

"Bailey, no matter what I've got your back" he said squeezing my hand in reassurance.

"I got yours too, bro" I said then we shook ands then pulled into a hug from there.

"Love you, sis" Brick said.

"Love ya too Brick-For-Brains!" I said, using my little nickname for him. He playfully slapped my arm in response.

I turned to go to the front of the boat to get a better view but a ginger haired farm boy leaning on the railing was in my way.

"Excuse me, but could you please move?" I asked politely.

"Sure thing" he said. He then leaned on the wall with his arms behind his head. Suddenly I tripped and looked up at him. He, not so subtly I might add, swung his leg back to his side and looked the other way whistling and moved his arms so they were crossed behind his back.

"Oh, thanks for that" I said sarcastically, sending a rotten glare his way. "Your welcome" he said with a smirk.

I stood up, visibly annoyed and grabbed the collar of his shirt. "Listen, freckles, stay out of my way if you know what's good for you, got it?" I asked. He stared at me wide-eyed, with just the tiniest bit of pink dusting his cheeks.

"Is there a problem here?" Brick asked with just a pinch of anger in his tone. Brick has always been protective over me. Not that I need it, but it's sweet that he wants to look after me. Even if I'm the one usually doing that for him. Sometimes I feel I worry too much.

"No, everything's fine" I said sending daggers towards the ginger. As I uttered those words I set him down.

"Good" Brick said smiling.

"So, what's the story with you two?" the farm boy asked rolling his eyes, leaning his back on the railing again.

"No, we're twins actually" Brick said.

"Why do you ask?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"No reason" the boy then turned back to face the ocean.

I walked away from him and looked out at the lake and awaited the time we would reach our destination and whatever crazy adventures we were in for by the hands of the dreaded Chris McLain.

Scott's POV

I looked out at the water, thinking about the pair I just spoke to. Lucky for me they're here, one would do anything for the other. That could come in handy some time. And if there's one thing I love, it's advantages.

"And here they come now! For real" Chris, the host of the show said as our boat came close to Camp Wawanakwa.

"Meet Jo" Chris said, referencing a girl with short dirty blonde hair who could easily be mistaken be mistaken for a boy. She turns to me. "Stay out of my way if you value your kiwis" the man-lady warned.

"Scott" Chris said referring to me. "Right back atcha" I replied to Mrs. Sweatpants.

"Zoey and Mike" Chris said announcing to red head and the awkward tall boy standing next to me."Can you believe we're here?" Zoey asked. "Yeah, it's beautiful" Mike answered. Potential couple? I don't care. You won't see me in that situation. I'm here to win, by any means necessary.

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