Under the Pouring Rain - Oikawa

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January 2013


The sound of heavy rain splattered on the roof and along with it a distant rumble then followed by a sharp crackling explosion of thunder.

The young man in the gym court did not even flinch, for he was too engrossed in his thoughts.

Volleyball has always been his form of catharsis, but this time no form of release could calm his inner turmoil. Just as how there's a torrential downpour outside, within him was a deluge of emotions.

Frustration, uncertainty, self-doubt.

The vibrations of the thunder pulsated through the air heavily just the same as his heavy heart. Suffice to say, the unrelenting rainstorm mirrored his pent up frustrations.

Droplets of sweat cascaded down his well proportioned features. His eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he hit a number of balls subsequently. All landed with a loud thud, his anger emanated with each hit.

~Tooru's POV

I could feel the tightness in my chest, the air being sucked out from fatigue yet I still continued to hit the ball.

Aim, toss, jump, hit


Aim, toss, jump, hit

not good enough, again.

Aim, toss, jump, hit

off the mark, again.

Aim, toss, jump, hit

Every muscle in my body ached for rest, lungs screamed for oxygen but I kept aiming, tossing, jumping, and hitting. No matter the exhaustion, I couldn't stop.

I didn't dare to stop.

Every ball that flew up I hit it with all my strength, and all my frustration with it.

I let the exasperation gnaw at me until my legs finally gave out and my knees fell to the ground. I gasped for air as my sweat dropped to the floor, some passed by my eyes, and the saltiness seeped in, the bitterness engulfing me.

I hated it but welcomed the torment I have painstakingly ran away from.

I let my tired body drop, but the unforgiving cold gym floor sent sudden chill to my warm back, the coldness intensifying for each moment passed. I bit my lip, slightly grateful for the temperature disparity that pulled me out of the black hole I was being sucked into.

I closed my eyes and let the coolness spread in my body. Perhaps it could cool down my nerves.

The gym was suddenly quiet aside from the loud downpour outside. How I wish the ceiling would crumble and let the rain fall on me then wash away the evil stream of thoughts that threatened to drown me.

"Have you finally reached your limit?" An angelic soft voice queried.

I opened my eyes and was met with a pair of ethereal blue crystal orbs, worry and concern swirling around her majestic irises. Her black silky hair cascaded down her left shoulder as she proceeded to kneel down above my head.

Celeste. I didnt hear her enter at all.

Was I too lost in thought?

"I thought you left." I forced out a whisper. Instead of answering, her delicate hands caressed my hair.

"You're drenched in sweat."


We stayed like that for a while, no words exchanged, quietly staring at each other's eyes, her soft fingertips stroked my skin as she gingerly brushed off the tangles on my hair.

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