Chapter 1 - Hiding In A Dressing Room

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It felt like I was walking endlessly. My legs hurt from wearing 12-cm heels for 5 hours straight. Long corridors didn't really help in managing my pain. In addition, my dressing room was situated at the end of the floor, so I knew that I had to walk for at least 1 more minute .

Thankfully, there wasn't anybody around as the 2nd semi-final has been already completed and most of the contestants have left along with their delegations. No cameras, no interviewers, no one to ask any of the stupid questions about my life.

Finally, I arrived to my destination and pulled out the key to enter the dressing room. It was dark, but I didn't mind it. I walked towards the clothes rack and lit up a small torchere located in the left corner. It was a relief to take off my red pumps and feel a solid cold parquet under my feet.

Slowly I started to undress. Even though my dress was pretty short, it weighted around 3 kilograms due to the leather material and the corset I was wearing underneath. Unbuttoning the dress was easy and that's why I sent both of my stylists to the hotel. I liked to be alone after hard days like this and, if I didn't have a team of professional make-up artists and stylists, I could still do everything easily by myself.

Unlacing the corset was a little bit harder. But after untying the last hook, my body felt light and free. I was standing only in my black panties when I figured that I couldn't find my bra.

- Are you looking for this? - whispered someone from the right corner of the room. I could only see a man's hand holding my bra. A manicured hand with black nail polish.

- Who the fuck are you and what are you doing in my room? - I said, crossing my hands over my bare breasts.

- Oh, don't mind me, I am here to escape the dumb interviewers. - said a guy, raising up from a coach. - And I am already leaving. 

The guy appeared to be higher than he seemed. He made a circle around me, then stoped right in front of my eyes, tilted his head to the right and gently touched my chin with 2 fingers. After staring for 5 seconds, he removed his hand from my face and said:

- Do you still need your bra? 

I suddenly remembered that I was standing half-naked and yelled:

- Get out of here! Now!

The guy looked at me amused.

- You seemed nicer on the screen, does the whole Europe now that you are an inhospitable bitch?

- Get out right now or I am calling the security!

He smirked and left the room without another word. My heart pounded like crazy. What was that and who that guy was? Was he one of the contestants? Why couldn't I remember him? And, most importantly, how did he manage to get into the room and what did he want?

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