Chapter 3 - Let The Game Begin

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Who does he think he is? A sex god? An alpha male no girl can resist? I guess he doesn't understand who is he playing with. Yes, currently I don't have a boyfriend, but I have never been going after quantity. I can go down to the lobby and get any guy I want in an hour. 

I was married before, but it didn't work out. My ex-husband has the sweetest personality as opposed to Damiano. The problem with this marriage was that our relationships were too steady - we have barely even had conflicts.  The first couple of years seemed like a "happily-ever-after" you only see in fairytales. But the lack of different emotions was eating me up inside. I made a choice to end my marriage, because deep down I always knew that my life should always be dynamic and passionate.

On my way to the bathroom I threw a glance on a large mirror. My cheeks were still slightly red-coloured, that treacherous white robe was revealing my naked body. I don't remember having such a messy hair when I woke an hour before, must have been the wind, or Damiano's hands.

If he wants to play, let's play, but I do play dirty when it comes to jerks' punishment. I texted my costume manager:

"Change of plans. I want to wear our second option for the finals. Give me a call when you wake up, so we can go through makeup, accessories and shoes".


I didn't notice when I fell asleep, but the phone began to ring and it was 8 in the morning. Unlike yesterday, the weather was very good, I could even say it was quite hot in Rotterdam. Sofia, costume manager should come in an hour and bring all the stuff to complete the look for tomorrow.

I was brushing my teeth when someone knocked at the door.

- Hi, the traffic today is crazy, we couldn't park near the hotel as there are journalists everywhere. I heard that someone among the male contestants was seen with an unknown girl getting into the hotel, so the reporters are looking for drama and rumours.

- Hi, I know exactly who it was - my neighbour from the 13th floor. Italian.

- Ah, I am not surprised. With a face like his, I would easily fall into his arms for at least one night.

We'll see who will be begging for getting laid.

- Ok, did you bring everything we have?

- Yes, but don't you think that the public will be shocked? I mean, you played a good girl for so long, won't it be too risky?

- I believe that the only way a winner can truly become a winner is through expressing his or her real self. I don't want to hide under the mask of a sweet girl, I want the watchers to perceive me as a strong, independent and sexy young woman.

- Ok, as you wish, Olivia. Let's see what we have here.....


We arrived at Ahoy arena around 12, so I had 1 hour to dress up and do vocal warm ups. My team knows that the best way to help me prepare for a performance is to leave me alone. Usually, I listen to my favourite music and dance to reduce any muscular tension.

I put my airpods in and scrolled through my playlist to find the perfect beat. Here it is, Love Lies by Khalid and Normani started playing:

I instantly began swinging side to side 'till I found a perfect rhythm. When the song ended, room's door opened and my manager told me to go to the stage. 

We walked and walked until we reached the backstage. Gjon from Switzerland was ending his performance and my turn was coming up. 

- The sound today is amazing, - said Gjon while greeting me on both cheeks. - Break a leg, girl.

The stage was completely dark when I entered it. I lied down on the floor as this is how my performance begins. I knew that all the contestants are sitting in the hall watching each other, so I hoped that Damiano wouldn't miss my upgraded performance.

1, 2, 3, let's go:

When the music stopped, I could instantly feel the stare that has been there throughout my whole performance. Perfect. I found Damiano's eyes and waited for what seemed to be an eternity before he jumped out of his chair and left the room.

Definitely, not the reaction I was hoping for.


P.S. guys, let me know in the comments if you enjoy reading my piece and what do you expect to be happening next?

P.P.S Next chapter will be from Damiano's perspective.

The Goblet of Love | Eurovision 2021 | Damiano DavidWhere stories live. Discover now