Chapter 2 - Hotel Nightmare

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I woke up from a loud noise coming from the floor above. It was like something was thrown into the wall. Once, twice, and then... silence.

It was hot in the room, so I decided to open the windows situated to the right from the bed. A fresh wave of air blew my hair and I took a slow breath in. It was half past 3 and seemed like I am not going to fall asleep again. Insomnia became a part of my life since I had been selected to represent my country on Eurovision. Even though I had a prescription from a doctor, I decided to not take pills tonight. Tomorrow is just a rehearsal before the finals, so I can skip one night of sleep.

I made myself a cup of green tea and sat on a windowsill. Then I heard two voices. A girl was shouting something and laughing loudly. A male voice asked her what does she want to drink.

- Gin! And looooots of ice!

- Come here. - said a man whose voice I recognised straight away.

This was the same guy who handed me my bra. My lower stomach began to ache when I remembered that he saw me almost naked. I decided to google all the contestants to see if he actually was one of us.

San Marino - nope, Iceland - nope, Finland - nope, Italy - ok, this is him. So, he is a part of a group called Maneskin. I clicked on Google Images tab to see more. Three guys and a girl. The girl looked very familiar, but what are the chances that we have ever met before? I think my imagination has gone too far.

Ok, let's see which song they are singing. Oh-oh, what is that? Rock'n'roll? They are kidding, there is no chance to win the contest with this kind of vibe. The song itself is great though, I just think that Eurovision has always been and will always be promoting pop or indie tracks.

- Damiaaaano, let's take a picture before you fuck me. -  The girl shouted happily.

I didn't hear what he had responded, but in a few seconds I heard a snap sound. Did she leave?

Then a loud crashing noise filled in my balcony. The only thing standing on my balcony was a draining-rack. The wind was surely not strong enough today to blow it away, so I tiptoed to another room to check what was going on.

A figure in grey boxers appeared right in front of me. When I recovered from the fright, I grabbed a TV remote which was lying on a coffee table and went forward to attack a stranger.

My hand was caught by Damiano right in front of his face.

- Woah, your inhospitality has reached a whole other level, dear.

- Are you nuts? What are you doing on my property again?!

- Firstly, it's not your property, it's a hotel. Secondly, I didn't know you stayed in this room, I wasn't sure if anyone was even here.

- Great explanation, jerk. Shouldn't you be in your room fucking a very noisy girl you picked up for tonight?

- Are you jealous that someone could get multiple orgasms? Looks like you haven't had one in a while, Miss Inhospitality.

- Who you are to talk about my sex life when you clearly tried to escape your date?

- Fine, but I don't recommend to greet guests in a transparent lace robe. Unless you want them to spread you over the bed.

I blushed. He moved closer to me and I could see his bare face without any stage makeup on. He smelled like he has recently taken a shower and his hair was still wet.

He did the same gesture from earlier, cupping my chin with two long fingers. I instantly imagined how these same fingers would wander all over my body. My thighs were now tightening up. His breath smelled like a mint toothpaste and smoke.

Damiano clenched his lips and moved his hand to my waist, pressing me against his bare tattooed chest. And, suddenly, he let me go.

- Look at you, someone is all wet just from one touch.

- Get the hell out of my room, pervert! Now!

The same smirk covered his lips when he turned around sharply and opened the door.

- Don't worry, I don't have sex with virgins like you. Sweet dreams, Miss Inhospitality.

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