Chapter 8 - Illusion

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I woke up from an unfamiliar sound of a coffee machine. I am not a fan of caffeine, and that's why I didn't request a room with one.

Wait, what?

I opened my eyes immediately, trying to focus my vision. If I am not in my room, where am I?!

- Ah, you are finally awake. - murmured Damiano, entering the bedroom with a tray in his hands. - Here, you need to eat properly before the finals.

- Wait, what time is it? - I say, looking for my clothes. How did I end up in his bed? Did we have sex once again? Did I take something? I cannot remember anything after the bath.

- Relax, it's 7:30 am. We have plenty of time. Stop running around, come sit with me and have a proper breakfast.

Honestly, I am confused. He behaves like a completely different person. We didn't even manage to have THE talk about our relationships, but Damiano is acting like we actually did.

The food smells and looks amazing though.

- I didn't know they are serving croissants in this hotel.

- They aren't, I got them from the bakery across the street. Thomas was worshiping that place for a couple of days now.

- Um, what does this all mean? We came from hating each other to having breakfast really quick.

- Let's just go with the flow and see what happens? Right now I want to eat this delicious food with you, sitting in my bed. I don't care about defining this activity and giving it a name. We can talk about this later, ok?

I nodded. Even though I have always hated uncertainties, this time I didn't want to overcomplicate things as fragile as our unclear type of relationship.

Breakfast was nice. We talked about our performances and discussed bookmakers' bets. Damiano was telling me that Maneskin was pretty sure they wouldn't win. I, personally, believed that Gjon could win. He has a powerful voice and interesting sound.

After we were finished with food and chatting, Damiano took my back to my room and gently kissed me on a cheek, scrubbing it for a few seconds. It felt fantastic. It felt...awkwardly normal?


I was feeling excited when I arrived at Ahoy arena in 4 hours. I hoped we could really work it out with Damiano.

I didn't want to seem obsessive, so I decided to look for him without asking anyone. I walked around the hallway without success, so it was clear that the group was sitting in their dressing room.

I ended up being on a second floor. I hesitated for a moment, searching for back up words to say if there are all four of them. I knocked on the door, but nobody responded. I pushed the door, but it was actually closed. Where were they?

I crossed the corridor and headed back to the elevator when I've heard voices. I looked around the corner with an intention to stay invisible.

- Surprise! - said a girl with short black hair and jumped on Damiano.

- Giorgia, ciao, - he said, casually hugging her.

And then she kissed him.

My heart fell down for a moment. My brain stopped working. I felt my eyes beginning to water. Don't fucking cry now. Slowly I got down in a squat, my back feeling a cold white wall. Who is this Italian girl? Why is he behaving so accustomed with her hanging on his body?

- Olly? - said Victoria, tapping on my shoulder. - What is going on? Why are you crying?

- I, I.....Damiano, he....with her..... - I hawed through tears, trying to sound lucid. My tongue has failed to perform its job, so I stopped forcing myself to explain.

- Come here, let's talk in your dressing room. Can you walk?

- Mm, yes. - was the only word I could say.

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