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Short af but meh

Tbh I started writing this like sooo long ago idek

-Caspar POV-

I lazily look around the auditorium. The space in which countless hours have been wasted. It'll feel so fucking good to leave this place.

As the principal drones on about useless shit, my eyes find my little lover. The mess of light brown hair in the dark blue shirt. The back is wide enough and scoops low enough that I can see his shoulder blades. Fuck.

I know he has a crush on me. But little did he know I feel the same way. And I intend on letting him know before the day is done.

"...And now we'll hear from one of our top students, Caspar Lee!" Dr. Martin says. I get up as people applaud. I didn't bring a script or anything, I know what I'm going to say.

I confidently walk up to the stage and take my place behind the podium. I take a deep breath and start reciting my well-rehearsed speech.

"High school is a very... interesting place. A lot of things happen here. There's a lot of diversity between the students. Some are geeks, jocks, populars." I take another deep breath to help calm my nerves.

"But no matter who you are, you try hard to fit in. Unless, of course, you're one of those people who try hard to stand out." That gets a few chuckles.

"Everyone is so worried about what others will think. They just need to forget about all that! You will probably never see these people again. What you really need to do, at least in my opinion, is make an impression. You want to be remembered." There's no going back now.

"And today, I would like to make an impression. Who cares what you think? Like I said, I'm probably never going to see any of you again..." My words don't match my thoughts. I'm really nervous.

"So, to make that impression, I will need a certain graduate by the name of Joe Sugg." All eyes go to him. He turns beet red.

I watch as he shakily gets up from his seat, and gets on stage. He whispers to me "Caspar, what is-" But I cut him off.

I grab his waist and pull him towards me. I lean down ever so carefully, and attach my lips to his. He lets out a surprised noise, but nonetheless kisses back.

There were a few gasps from the audience. I smile a little to myself. My impression scheme worked.

I don't want to be known for PDA, so I pull back after a couple seconds.

"Now. Many of you seniors probably knew Joe was gay, but did you also know that I too am homosexual?" I inquire the audience with a smirk.

Some people laugh, but others shout out rude things. Among them I hear "Fucking faggot!" It hurts me. Way more than it should.

I try to remind myself of my mentality, that none of this matters. None of these bullies will ever mean anything in the real world, none of these people will be around you. But I still can't help feeling wounded.

But then, I feel a protective arm cross in front of me. Joe.

"Don't talk to him like that! He doesn't deserve that. He's been taking it for years, its GRADUATION day. Leave him be for ONE DAY, okay?" That shut him up. It also earned a bunch of "awws" from the people watching.

I just smile at Joe thankfully. What a great way to end high school.

Jaspar One Shots [abandoned] boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now