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-Caspar POV-

As I got off the plane and into the airport, the first thing I do is text Joe.

Hey babe, happy birthday! So sorry I couldn't be there. See you in a week and three days xxx

Thank you caspy :) Its okay, you have to serve. But yeah I'm really looking forward to it! Xx

Haha me too! I have to go. Talk to you soon. xxx

Okay, talk to you later babe <3 Xx

I smile to myself. He doesn't have a clue. I put my phone away and look around for Zoë. It doesn't take long, though, because I hear her screaming my name. Seconds later, I'm tackled in a hug.

"Caspar!" She shrieks as she practically jumps on me. I take a few steps back to regain my balance, but let out a laugh.

"Hey Zobo. Long time no see."

"Yes indeed." She says as she pulls back. "2 years to be exact."

"You guys are such a cute couple!" Someone says. I look over to see a stranger making assumptions. Rude, but typical.

"Actually, I'm dating her brother. Thanks for the input, though." The stranger turns a bright shade of red and quickly shuffles off. I turn back to Zoë.

"2 years and 25 weeks." I correct her.


"You said two years, I'm correcting you." She understands and rolls her eyes. But I soon move on to the more prominent topic on my mind. "How's Joe?" I ask anxiously.

"He's okay, but I'm sure once he sees you he'll be so much better!" She says happily. I smile whole-heartedly. Just the thought of seeing my boyfriend again brings a smile to my face.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" I say. She nods her head, and practically drags me across the airport.

"Woah there, I think you're more excited about this than I am!" I joke.

"You're probably right." She says seriously, but with a smile playing on her lips.

As we get to the car, I'm met with Oli.

"Caspar!" He says excitedly, and pulls me in for a hug.

"Hey man!" I say happily.

"How was Afghanistan?" He questions.

"It was... well I'm not allowed to talk about it." I respond hurriedly. He just nods.

"Well, let's get this show on the road, shall we?"

We climb into his car, and I feel nervous for the entire ride. I see familiar building the whole way, and those are enough to send spurts of happiness through me. Imagine what it'll be like to see Joe again. To hold him in my arms. To kiss him. To-

I feel the car jerk to a stop. I see my apartment, and immediately break into a large grin. It only gets bigger once I remind myself that my boyfriend is just inside of it.

"Now Caspar." Zoë says. I direct my attention at her. "I'm gonna go in, and I'll be on the phone with Oli, so you guys can hear what's happening. Once you hear me say 'I think Oli's coming round', Oli, you ring the doorbell. I'll get it and take it from there." We nod at her plan.

I practically jump out of the car, and run over to the building I've missed so much. Zoë hurries over with Oli, already on the phone with each other.

Zoë gives us a big smile. "Well, here goes!" She hesitantly opens up the door, but confidently walks in. She closes it, and Oli and I listen intently to the phone.

Jaspar One Shots [abandoned] boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now