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okay this is not an actual oneshot but i have some things to announce:

1) my next three oneshots will all be trigger warning-y (theyre all parts to one long story), but i am already making a fluffy one to upload after it so yay!

2) i deleted April Fools bc i didnt like it and thought it was mean

3) so i want to be called michael now bUT
i still prefer female pronouns

allow me to explain

i still feel female, i'm not trans (but no hate towards the trans community- i love y'all and my best friend is trans so yay trans people!)

i just feel like the names becky or rebecca dont really feel like me, ya know? probably not.

i just feel like those names dont suit me. i'd love them on other people, just they're not for me.

and since michael (clifford) is my sunshine, his name makes me so happy. and tbh (wow @ myself) ive started identifying w that name and it makes me so happy when people call me that (so like quuenlee and my friend sydney. im not good at telling people things.)

((you can interpret this any way you want. insane fangirl? i just love the name michael? its up to you))

4) i got rid of wmojis on my keyboard

5) does anyone have any advice on how to come out to your parents (not just about the michael thing, im also bi lmao)

6) with a new name comes a new sognoff, so with that,

ily all
<3 michael

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