1. Ready to Run

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Author's Note: This one was inspired by Scott's TikTok recently in which Harry Styles makes a little cameo :P  I have a few chapters of this one done so far. If you want to see more of it, just drop a comment or a vote <3

The title, "Home" is the title of both a One Direction song and a PTX medley. Each chapter will be named after a 1D song or a PTX song, depending on if it is in Harry's POV or Scott's. 

1. Ready to Run

"So... what now?"

Those three words spoken with an Irish brogue snapped Harry out of his daze. He glanced at the other men seated around the table as he fiddled with his shirt button, awkwardly.

He didn't feel much like speaking. It was hard to do so, when your body was in a serene state of shock.

"We get excited. That's what," he heard someone else say. He couldn't bring his brain to focus on from whom the voice came. His own excitement was bubbling in his chest, almost painfully now.

"And we set a date for our reunion tour," another voice stated, the accent very clearly from Doncaster. Unmistakably so.

"And an opening act."

That voice was Zayn's. Funny, how the voice that was the most unfamiliar was the one that brought Harry back to reality.


He snapped his eyes upwards to see everyone looking at him with a concerned expression.

"Wha?" he replied, feeling stupid as everybody laughed.

"Does it all sound good?"

"Does all of what sound good?"

Louis' hand clapped on his shoulder, roughly. "The triumphant return of One Direction, of course."

Harry couldn't help but smile at the sound of those words. "Sounds perfect."

He settled onto his couch late that evening, still reeling from the events of the day. He scrolled absently through his phone, wondering how he was going to keep this news to himself.

He knew that his excitement about the project would be a surprise to the world. He was by far the most successful of the group on his own. It was an honor for which Harry felt unworthy. His friends and bandmates deserved all of his success and more, in his opinion. He supposed that he had simply been the lucky one.

But the person who shocked him the most today was certainly Zayn. They had all been talking amicably for a few years, now. They had become much closer amidst the pandemic, when the world shut down and they were all forced to come to terms with what was actually important.

Each other.

Who knew?

For years they had all convinced themselves that they were okay with being apart. That they could cheer each other on from the sidelines in the absence of jealousy, competition, and outright bickering.

But they were brothers. Bickering had always been what they did best.

He looked forward to the opportunity to bicker with them again. In person.

This was really happening.

The excitement bubbled in his chest again.

After all, success was not nearly as satisfying when you were celebrating it alone.

He turned his attention to his homework: To go through contacts to develop a list of potential opening acts for their reunion tour.

It was a tall order, Harry realized, as he scrolled past Ariana Grande and Demi Lovato's names in his contact list.

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