18. Say Something

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18. Say Something

Scott was silent in the van. He was silent in the airport. He was silent on the small, suffocating plane.

He couldn't look in the direction of a single member of the other group. He knew that they must know. He could see them talking in hushed tones.

He managed to fall asleep during the flight. At least he was able to get some rest.

It prevented him from having to glare at Mitch each and every time he shot him a worried glance.

He was unlocking his hotel room door in Tokyo, ready to collapse from exhaustion, when his silence was finally broken.

"Scott," the voice spoke softly, and he nearly fell apart at the feeling of the hand on his shoulder.

"Liam," Scott replied, as lightly as possible, as his door opened and he smiled at him.

Just act okay. Act like this is no big deal. Move on.

"Can I come in? Can we talk?" Liam asked, his gaze darting around the hallway, like he was afraid of being caught.

Scott nodded, following Liam's quick steps into his room.

"That was such a huge mistake, Scott," Liam exclaimed as soon as the door closed, and he clapped a hand over his own mouth. "No... not like that. Please don't take it like... like you're a mistake... that I regret... Because I don't... not the actual... God, Liam, get it together," the man stuttered and scolded himself.

It was actually quite cute.

"I get it," Scott said, holding up a hand to halt the rambling in its tracks. "You're right. It was stupid. We were drunk. You felt sorry for me. We crossed a line. We won't let it happen again. Right?"

Liam gaped at him. "Right."

He was still staring. "What?" Scott asked.

"You're so... calm."

Scott reached up to rub the back of his neck. "Can't change it. I just don't want it to be awkward..."

"How come you're so calm and collected with me, but with Harry you fall apart like you're made of soggy paper?" Liam asked, crinkling his nose.

It was also adorable, but Scott furrowed his brow at the man, anyway, crossing his arms. Liam smiled. "You've got it bad. Ah shit... those words must have been torture last night, then." Liam frowned. "And I have to tell you something."

He reached for Scott's hand and pulled him towards the bed, pushing him down to sit on it. "Don't worry... no funny business," Liam muttered.

Scott would have laughed, but he was too busy being worried.

"Harry... knows."

Scott nearly threw up instantaneously. "...how?"

"The guys all... know..." Liam said, slowly. "Please don't be mad. I panicked. Talked to Niall about how I was afraid that Harry might actually gut me like a fish. Then Zayn came in... and Louis, and by then I was crying like a baby... and then... Hazza..." he trailed off. "Scott, I'm so sorry."

"Why would Harry gut you? He said it himself, he wants nothing to do with me," Scott replied, angrily. "Don't worry about it."

"I'm actually quite worried about it."


"Because he isn't taking it out on me. He's trying to take it out on you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

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