26. Bored

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Author's Note: Gonna post two today, because I missed yesterday, and, well... I'm kind of over this one? :(

26. Bored

The rest of the day was chaotic. Scott had a feeling that he would sleep quite well tonight.

In fact, part of him wanted to crawl into bed as soon as the rehearsals were over, and he eyed his hotel bed with a sense of longing.

A knock on his door snapped him from his thoughts. The room service was right on time. He had texted Harry to join him here in ten minutes. It was just enough time for him to finish setting up.

Harry's best friend had said it himself: Harry was going to get bored soon.

Not if Scott could help it.

Admittedly, Scott was most certainly not ready for this. His insecurities continued to run wild on a daily basis. But his largest insecurity was about to be put to rest tonight. Harry wouldn't leave him for not putting out.

This morning, the hushed conversation between Harry and Louis had left him feeling sick. He had run through the whole caveat of emotions: Anger, upset, embarrassment... and he landed on his final one. Determination.

If he didn't pass out from nerves, this was going to be just fine.

He fixed his hair in the mirror as he mulled over the fact that he was about to throw himself at Harry Styles.

Another knock on the door left Scott's heart pounding where it appeared to have fallen into his stomach.

"Hey, ready to go to..." Harry began, his eyes sparkling, before he glanced behind Scott. "...dinner?" Scott stepped to the side and let him in. "Apparently, we don't have to go far."

Harry stepped forward and eyed the champagne that had just been poured. Scott couldn't help but smile as Harry smirked at him, closing the distance between them. "What's all of this?"

The old version of himself would have taken control right here and now, pushing and pulling at the body in front of him until Harry's back was against the wall, his breath coming out in short gasps.

But here he was, eyeing his boyfriend shyly, praying that Harry wouldn't think that he was being absolutely lame.

"Wanted to spend the night with you... quietly," Scott replied, reaching up to cup Harry's cheek. He leaned forward, kissing him softly. "If that's alright?"

Harry smiled, and Scott felt butterflies. "It's the best idea you've had in a long time, I think."

Scott opened his mouth to speak, but Harry captured his lips again, leaving him slightly breathless.

He prayed that Harry couldn't feel how shaky he was. For some reason, he couldn't seem to calm the nerves. Perhaps it was because it felt as though this was a make-or-break moment. He would either lock in their relationship tonight, or he would prove to Harry that he should move along.

Harry passed him one of the champagne flutes, and they touched their glasses together. "To my sweet genius," Harry said softly before taking a sip.

They spoke happily over dinner, as Scott continuously wiped his sweaty hands with his napkin. He was... warm. Too warm. In fact, he was downright uncomfortable.

Harry placed the plates back on the cart and wheeled it out into the hallway, returning with his hands clasped together.

"Not sure about you, but I want to order dessert."

Scott stood and crossed the floor, pressing his lips to Harry's again, more forcefully than he ever had before.

If his little moan was anything to go by, Harry enjoyed that.

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