2. The Lucky Ones

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2. The Lucky Ones

They fidgeted where they sat at the conference room table, making uneasy eye contact with one another.

Spur-of-the-moment meetings at their record label were historically not the best sign.

But when their manager emerged through the door with a grin, their minds were put at ease.

"You're never going to believe what I'm about to say," Jonathan said.

They stared silently back at him, unsure of how to respond.

"We're dropped?" Kevin asked, only half-joking.

Jonathan shook his head enthusiastically. "Nope."

"Spit it out," Scott said, his voice raised several octaves.

"You all have a meeting... no... an... audition..." Jonathan started, "...tomorrow."

"An audition for what?" Kirstin asked, slowly.

"To be the opening act on an upcoming tour."

Their shoulders slumped. They hadn't been an opener in quite some time. They thought that they had paid their dues, that they could continue to headline their own shows.

"For One Direction."

The sound of choking filled the room, and they turned to watch Matt gasp for air, putting his water bottle down on the table as his eyes teared. "Sorry," he sputtered. "Took me by surprise. Can you repeat that? I think I was daydreaming because I thought you said 'One Direction'."

Jonathan smiled. "I did. But don't get your hopes up too high. This isn't in the bag yet. Apparently one or two of them vouched for you, but the others weren't so sure. And if you tell a soul that they're getting back together and touring, they'll sue us for all we're worth. So don't mess this up."

"Liam definitely vouched for us. He liked us," Mitch smiled softly at Scott.

But Scott couldn't bring himself for form words. His throat felt dry.

They couldn't mess this up.

They were led down a hallway that appeared to get longer as they took each step. Scott's stream of consciousness wasn't helping.

"Don't be annoying, but be friendly, you know? We don't want to look like complete fangirls, but we don't want to seem like we're too good for this. Whatever they ask us to do, we do it. You know, within reason..."

"Scott?" Mitch asked, interrupting the nervous ramble.


"Shut the hell up."

Mitch watched with a small smile as his best friend closed his mouth, blushing.

"They're in here. You all ready?" Jonathan asked as he placed his hand on the door handle.

He waited for each of them to nod before knocking softly and opening the door.

Scott was expecting silence as they filtered in, as each of the men at the table sized them up, determining if they were worthy.

Scott certainly was a dramatic man.

Liam sprung to his feet first, reaching out a hand to each of them, beginning with Scott and Mitch. "So good to see you two again, and nice to meet you!" he said as he turned towards Kirstin, Matt and Kevin in turn.

Niall was right behind him, clapping Kevin on the back in greeting.

The other three men were standing back, having never met them before. Scott saw this as an opportunity. He broke free from the small huddle, extending his hand to Louis, first.

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