21. Little Things

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21. Little Things

Harry had blinked awake in the morning wondering why his heart felt light, and wondering why he had slept so well.

Then, the night before came flooding back.

Apologies. Small smiles. Light touches. Kisses.

He rolled out of bed and dressed himself in clothing that was... versatile. Clean and tidy enough to be seen in public, if Scott allowed him to take him out to breakfast. Comfortable enough to lay around and enjoy a lazy day. Then he made his way to Scott's room, wondering if he would be waking him.

When he saw Scott's face, he knew that he hadn't.

The blond had clearly just thrown on a loose tank top that hung haphazardly on his frame, and he was trying to pat down the most adorably messy hair that Harry had ever laid eyes on. It was all actually very sweet looking, until he saw that the circles beneath the eyes had actually become worse.

"You didn't get any sleep,"

Harry squeezed by Scott, facing him once he had made his way in his room.

"I think I got some," Scott mumbled, reaching up to flatten his hair again.

Harry reached forward, taking his hand from on top of his head and giving it a light squeeze. He hated that sleep was such a struggle. He wondered what Scott had been thinking about all night.

"Can I try something?" Harry asked, with a slight smile.

"You should get that question tattooed on your forehead," Scott replied, tiredly.

Harry pulled at his hand as he laid himself on the bed, reaching for Scott's laptop and settling in.

"What are you doing?" Scott asked, hovering next to the bed as Harry held out the laptop.

"We're gonna watch The Office. The American version. Even if it kills me. And you're going to lay with me. I was going to insist that you stay last night, but I didn't want you to get the wrong idea..."

His heart fluttered as he thought of how they could have spent their night curled up with one another.

Scott laughed. "Mitch was waiting here for me in case I had a... crisis. If I didn't come back, again..." Scott grimaced like he was afraid to think about it. Then, Scott smiled. "And anyway, it's our day off."

"Perfect for a binge-watch in bed. And hand me the room service menu. I want pancakes."

The blond smiled sleepily, and handed him the menu without another word. Harry grabbed the hotel room phone, and placed an order as Scott disappeared into the bathroom.

As he waited for the blond to return, he made himself comfortable beneath the bedspread. He was impressed with his bold actions this morning, despite being terrified that he might chase Scott away again.

Scott returned after a few minutes with his hair slightly more manageable, and Harry could smell his minty breath as he crawled onto the bed on the other side.

"Noooo," Harry whined. "Your hair looked so cute."

Scott rolled his eyes. "Shut up."

Scott was perched on the side of the bed, and Harry held out his hands, hoping that Scott would fall into them.

Scott complied, laying down next to him with a small smile. Harry reached out a hand to rest on the blond's hip, rubbing it softly.

"Don't fall asleep yet. Breakfast first."

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