28. Love Again

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Author's Note: Another double header for yall today, because this one is short and again, I'm over it. lol

28. Love Again

"I'm mad at myself..." Scott whispered, laying with Harry's legs tangled with his own.

Harry's bare skin against his own was downright addicting, Scott decided.

Green eyes flashed with concern, and Harry moved closer. "Why?"

"I could have been doing this with you for weeks? And I waited until now? Idiotic," Scott replied with a smirk.

Harry returned the smile with a soft slap to the chest. "You just scared me." He pressed his lips to Scott's sternum, holding them there against his heart for a moment.

Harry had certainly returned the favor. They had spent the past hour with light touches, exploring each other with their hands and lips. Scott discovered that Harry was quite talented with his mouth, and that it should be used for more than singing, more often.

Scott was absently tracing Harry's ribcage when a hand found his jaw, forcing his gaze to look into green irises.

"What?" Scott asked with a smile after a moment. The green eyes were searching his face so intensely, it felt like they were digging into his soul.

"Trying to pinpoint something..." Harry whispered, clearly distracted by his task at hand. After a minute of holding his gaze, he shrugged, leaning in to peck him on the lips before flopping onto his back.

"What was that?" Scott asked, laughing.

"I was trying to figure out exactly what it is about you that has made me completely and irrevocably obsessed with you," Harry replied, looking up at the ceiling, casually. "I can't figure it out. I think it's just a perfect storm."

Scott could feel the blush creep across his cheeks, and couldn't help but smile. "You're cheesy as hell."

"It's the truth, my love. Take or leave the cheese. It is what it is."

Scott turned onto his side, nestling into Harry's arms. "Should we explore New York City today?"

"Nah," Harry replied. "I have something else that I would rather continue to explore."

Scott was on his back again so quickly, it knocked the air out of his lungs. He smiled as Harry kissed him roughly, goosebumps forming on every millimeter of skin that Harry's fingers touched.

The following two weeks passed in the blink of an eye. There was something comforting about touring in the United States. It felt nice to have their own cheering section at each show, as opposed to the smattering of fans within the crowd. That, and having a family member or friend of someone in the group at nearly every show certainly didn't hurt, either.

Their nights had gone a bit more quickly, and they slept more soundly, considering the fact that they were engaging in activities that tired them out sufficiently each night before bed.

It was seven days ago when Harry had finally crossed that line. Scott had taken a back seat, determined not to make a fool of himself again. So he waited patiently, as they continued to explore one another each night, and was determined to let Harry make the first move, ask the first question, just do something.

Harry's lips trailed along Scott's hips, his hands tugging at his length gently, and laughing just a bit at the sounds it elicited from Scott's throat.

He was touching him in a teasingly light manner, just enough to drive him insane.

Then, he propped himself up on his knees, hovering over Scott's face with a smirk. He placed two fingers in his mouth, sucking on them in a downright sinful fashion. Then, those fingers disappeared between Scott's legs.

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